User:NovaHawk/SW hit list
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- Huge
- Longish
- Anakin Skywalker - update
- Mace Windu - update
- Obi-Wan Kenobi - update
- Qui-Gon Jinn - update
- Yoda - update
- Palpatine - update
- Padmé Amidala
- General Grievous - update
- Medium
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Plo Koon - update
- 212th Battalion Clone Trooper
- Clone Scout Trooper - update
- Commander Gree - update
- Senate Commando
- Senate Commando Captain
- Shock Trooper - update
- Siege Battalion Trooper - update/fix
- Wolfpack Clone Trooper - update
- Battle Droid
- Battle Droid Commander
- Buzz Droid
- Droideka - update
- Geonosian Pilot - fix
- Geonosian Warrior - fix
- MagnaGuard
- Pilot Battle Droid
- Sniper Droid
- Easy
- Eeth Koth
- Jedi Consular
- Jedi Knight (Episode II)
- Jedi Knight (The Old Republic)
- Kanan Jarrus
- Rusty
- Stass Allie
- 41st Elite Corps Trooper
- 501st Clone Pilot
- Astromech Droid (75087)
- Captain Jag
- Q7 Astromech Droid
- R4-D5
- R4-P44
- R7-A7
- Special Forces Clone Trooper
- Special Forces Commander
- TC-4
- A4-D
- FA-4
- Neimoidian Warrior
- Rocket Battle Droid
- Rocket Droid Commander
- Separatist Bounty Hunter
- Umbaran Soldier
- Done as far as I can
- K-3PO - needs VG picture and info
- Agent Kallus
- AT-AT Pilot
- AT-DP Pilot
- AT-ST Pilot - update
- Death Star Droid
- General Veers
- Imperial Crew - update
- Imperial Officer - better image, check on ISB
- Imperial Pilot
- Imperial Probe Droid
- Imperial Royal Guard
- Imperial Trooper - fix
- The Inquisitor
- R2-Q2
- R2-Q5
- R5-J2
- Security Droid
- Snowtrooper
- Snowtrooper Commander
- TIE Pilot
- Yularen
- A-wing pilot - fix/check
- Admiral Ackbar
- Arvel Crynyd
- B-wing Pilot
- C-3PO
- C1-10P
- Chewbacca - update
- Chief Chirpa
- Dak Ralter - update
- Dutch Vander
- Ewok Warrior
- General Airen Cracken
- Grey Squadron Pilot
- Han Solo
- Hoth Officer
- Hoth Rebel Trooper
- Lando Calrissian
- Leia Organa
- Logray
- Mon Calamari Officer
- Nien Nunb
- Paploo
- R-3PO
- R2-D2 - update
- Raymus Antilles - update (VG pictures)
- Rebel Commando
- Rebel Mechanic
- Rebel Pilot
- Rebel Trooper
- Snowspeeder Pilot
- Teebo
- Ten Numb
- Wicket W. Warrick
- X-wing Pilot
- Zev Senesca - fix
Lothal rebels
Scum and villainy
- Bib Fortuna
- Boba Fett - update
- Cad Bane
- Dengar
- EV-9D9
- Greedo
- Hondo Ohnaka
- IG-88
- Malakili
- Nikto Guard
- Ree-Yees
- Salacious B. Crumb
- Shahan Alama
- Weequay
- Zam Wesell - update (VG pictures)
- Aldar Beedo
- Asajj Ventress - update
- ASP Droid
- Astromech Droid (75051)
- B'omarr Monk
- Bespin Guard
- Bith Band Member
- Captain Panaka
- Captain Tarpals
- Chief Tarfful
- Festive Astromech
- FX-9 Surgical Assistant Droid
- Gamorrean Guard
- Gasgano
- Gonk Droid
- Gungan Warrior
- Jawa - update
- Jek-14
- Lobot
- Medical Droid
- Mining Robot
- Naboo Fighter Pilot - update
- Naboo Security Guard
- Naboo Security Officer
- Owen Lars
- Pit Droid
- PK Droid
- Pong Krell
- R1-G4
- R1-series Droid
- R2 unit
- R4-G0
- R5-D4
- RA-7 Protocol Droid
- Savage Opress - update (VG pictures)
- Sebulba
- Skiff Guard
- Skyhopper Pilot
- Training Droid
- Treadwell Droid
- Tusken Raider - update
- Watto
- Wookiee
- Wullffwarro