Review:41052 Ariel's Magical Kiss/Soupperson1

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Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
LEGO Logo.jpg Building Experience: Enough

Today I'm reviewing a new-ish set: 41052 Ariel's Magical Kiss. This set is a 30$ set of the Disney Princess theme. I didn't like the previous two Disney Princess sets I reviewed, will this be a change? While reading keep in mind I'm a Disney Princess fan girl, so if the set isn't accurate I won't be a huge fan. Now onto my review:


The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figures[edit | edit source]

Hence the name Ariel is this set's princess. Her head and hair are extremely accurate, but her dress isn't. First off Ariel has never worn a dress similar to this.

Yes she's worn a pink dress before, but it's not at all similar. This dress's top is plain and looks like a modern jumper. The bottom just has sparkles at the end. :/ What was the inspiration for this clothing depiction, LEGO?! In fairness her torso is very useful for custom mini-dolls for Friends, but I'm probably the only disney fan interested in making a huge Heartlake City. I'm pretty sure everyone would prefer accuracy, rather than the designer trying to be a fashion one too.

Yay an accurate Disney Princess figure! When us teenage girls/women were younger I think we all had a crush on Eric at one point. :3 LEGO did a great job with him, all his parts but hair are exclusive! His legs are very useful on mini-doll figures, particularly winter and horse riding ones. My only down point on him is he has no dimples ;(. For some reason Eric has a larger nose and head then Ariel, but does not use the muscular mini-doll torso.

No animal friend is included, besides a frog but he's really part of a build. Max and Sebastian should've been included, maybe even Scuttle too, but I'm probably just being greedy. :P

Side builds[edit | edit source]


The first build is the smallest and most bizarre. Really a stand for a frog? It mainly uses tan slope pieces, but is on a rare azure rounded plate. At least it has useful pieces :/

The second is the boat, why is it pink? I've seen other Disney Princess toys use the brown boat why is this one pink? :S The boat is exclusive to this set as of 2014, in 2015 it will appear in a $50 friends set. Also for some reason there's a useful but pointless amber flag, and a pink basket with a croissant. To row the boat Eric uses these rows which have a piece on top, which allows mini-dolls to hold them! Yay finally a ground breaking design in a Disney Princess set! They appear in brown hear and this is the cheapest way to get them.

Eh a seat on some sand is included, as the third side build. Why don't ask :/, I have no idea what thought occurred to the designers that this should be in the set, it wasn't in the movie or anything. Also on the sand is the dock which allows them to aboard the boat. Still wasn't in the movie :/ At least the pieces are nice here, yay the gazebo piece! We haven't seen those since back in summer '09 (1D reference! :O), we also get seaweed pieces. Apparently Ariel is pretty dumb as she left her ground on the bench.

We get the willow tree as seen in the film, but depicted horribly. In the movie the boat went underneath the tree, you can't do that with this build. It comes with a different type of seaweed piece and another one of those rare azure rounded pieces.

The castle[edit | edit source]


The fifth, biggest and last build is Eric's castle. Do we get an accurate reincarnation, nope! In fairness they seem to have at least tried with the exterior, despite the roof being magenta. :S The interior includes the dinging area, but no fork is included so you can't reenact the film's dinging scene. Also for some reason they're eating fruit instead of sea food like in the film. The downside is the dining room is the only room, no kitchen or bedroom which is disappointing. For some reason there's a telescope on the roof. Parts here are very nice that rounded magenta slope is exclusive! The lemon baseplate, dark blue and magenta pieces are all rare too. Also we get two more gazebo pieces! 3 means the most we've ever gotten in a set!

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg 4½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5

Overall, this is an okay set, but definatly flawed. In terms of accuracy it is awful, particularly the colours. Also you can't really recreate "Kiss the Girl" which is the selling point of the set. The un-inclusion of Sabastion, Max and/or Scuttle really urkes me two. Ariel isn't exactly accurate too. But there is still good things to the set: Eric is amazing in terms of accuracy. The parts are great too!, all these rare parts. The set may be awful at recreating "Kiss the Girl" is good however if you want to recreate adventures after The Little Mermaid. The price is catchy too thus set, if you want a set based off The Little Mermaid, I'd make my own :P But if you want a good enough set I'd buy this on sale, and I'd totally recommend it for about $20, I paid €22.00 for it. This is the best of the Disney Princess sets, in terms of accuracy, if your looking to buy just one from that theme.

Anyways, thanks for reading my review! I hope you liked it <3 Soup

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C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

120 months ago
Score 0++
Ariel is wearing the incorrect dress! She wore a blue dress in the scene. LEGO should put Ariel in a blue dress and have her pink dress as an extra costume.
Soupperson1 +
18:51:00, 9 April 2014 +
41052_Ariel%27s_Magical_Kiss +