Review:41038 Jungle Rescue Base/Soupperson1

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Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
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Today I'm reviewing a summer 2014 set: 41038 Jungle Rescue Base. First I'd like to state I'm sorry for the image quality and better ones shall be taken soon. This set is a 60€/55$ Friends set. It is the flagship and most of expensive set of the Jungle Rescue line. I reviewed all the jungle sets week by week. Will this set be a good end? On to this weeks review(by the way the new reviews come out every Wednesday or Thursday):


The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figure[edit | edit source]

Two friends are included here, which is well weird for the following reasons: 2 friends have (and in my opinion should) appeared only appeared in sets with 4 mini-dolls so far, and only 2 are here. Andrea and Stephanie are the friends included so they share a jungle set instead of getting their own like the others. Mia got two!

Andrea's face and hair are nothing new (a curly pony tail would've been epic though) her torso and shorts are. First I would like to start off with I don't like Andrea's outfit the tan and light pink do not mix well together, especially at the pockets. :/ Also does Andrea need a new shorts piece we already have a lemon one which looks more attractive than this abomination. The shorts are exclusive and I think they're a waste as we could've gotten a new animal (by recolouring) instead.

Stephanie is the mini-doll of this set. Her hair is the rare(ish) sun visor-pony tail combo, and her regular head. Stephanie's torso is exclusive and is by fair the best of these jungle torsos. Stephanie's torso is rather generic which means it could fit in a hospital or vet set, as it has the rescue logo.

At least a third mini-doll should've been included, I think Henry, Andrea, and another friends character (e.g. Lily, Christina) would've been best. Stephanie and Sophie should've appeared in the jungle tree sanctuary also. And that each friend in her own set, and each with a number of mini-dolls in each set that number has been seen in a set before.

The set includes four animals.

The panda and macaw both appear in this year animal pack line, which is rather annoying as that no way awards you for buying those meh sets.

The monkey is by far the best part of the set. He is black and could easily fit into a minifig layout possibly as the daddy to the chimp we say in the CMF line.

The chameleon is nice, his mould isn't new but his coloring is. He is turning lavender for some reason and his eyes are blue. He only appears in two jungle sets, and likely will remain exclusive until we get a zoo.

Zebra recolourings of the friends horse and foal would've been amazing instead of the macaw and panda. Even a red parrot could've been done easily.

Side-builds[edit | edit source]

The side builds include a dingy, raft and medical cart.

The set includes a raft for the panda. Yay for teaching kids to have fun putting scared baby pandas to danger. For some reason the raft has foliage? Yay?

The set includes a cart with a ton of useful and rare aqua medical assessories including a pen and a spoon! The cart also has a medicine bottle and a spot to place an animal for a check up.

The dingy is medium lavender, exclusive and despite getting controversial for being boring I quite like. I don't really have a reason why I just do :P This is the first "girls" set to have a dingy.

The bathroom[edit | edit source]

Can I get a line for the bathroom? Gotta get that line for the bathroom
―Miley Cyrus

You can't have friends sets without bathrooms, so Mileys wish won't be granted as we have enough bathrooms :P Honestly though I'd prefair a giraffe or hippo mould instead of this. The bathroom itself looks okay I guess. It's on a green plate. It has green doors (which look tacky) inside it's very squashed and it barley fits the sink and toilet. The (clever built) shower is constructed outside :S Why include an outdoor shower if there's a river in the set.

The tree[edit | edit source]

The tree is found upon an azure river (16x16 plate), the river has various foliage intended for the frog which is included. The tree itself is odd, it's made out of reddish brown and (rare) dark orange pieces, and built somewhat similar to Olivia's tree house. Around the trees there's the lime vine pieces to make it seem tropical. The top of the tree has a hexagonal cream plate, at the front of the plate there's a magenta banister. I think a brown banister would've been better as there's brown logs in between the banisters and the banister being magenta looks rather tacky. On the banister there's two flowers, a telescope and a gps that locates tracking device on the animals? Are the animals that stupid they need tracking devices on them, or maybe they're just scared of teenagers running a jungle. In the centre of the tan plate there's a stack of cylinder brown pieces. At the top of these pieces there's lime sword leaves, the jungle rescue flag, and a radio tower? :S There's also the function of the zip line at the back which can be connected to the lounge area. Also at the bottom of the tan plate for easy access into the water there's a lavender slide.

The lounge area[edit | edit source]


First of was this really necessary? Could've we not included a tent and made this a research lab? :S Anyway let's review it for what it is. Outside there's again tacky looking magenta bricks which build weird looking seats. There's also steps leading up to the lounge area, but there's fire blocking the way :O The exterior is built between brown and dark orange bricks. The interior is rather common for friends a table with a light pink bowl and a generic looking kitchen. The colour of the beds don't fit in either, why is everything magenta?! I do however like the clever fan idea on the roof. The exterior of the roof is pink, and it has solar panels on it. On the left side of the lounge area you can attach the zip line from the rescue base.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg 4½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5

Yay another meh jungle set! There is some clever builds but some of the designs are questionable. I don't think there's enough characters too boost the playability up. The parts are nice but the animals annoy me the most, there really should be a new spieces of animal introduced here. The price isn't too hot either. I don't really recommend this set as there's better friends sets you could be buying for this price, like Heartlake High. I know this wasn't my best review but hopefully my next review where we go on a dolphin cruise shall be better. <3 Soup

P.S. Please comment on which Friends review you want to see next, new review every week!

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Andrea:I knew we shouldn't have put the tiki torches in the doorway!

Comments (1)[edit | edit source]

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C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

120 months ago
Score 0++
Stephanie's leg piece is inappropriate for rescuing animals in the jungle! I don't like how much magenta is used in this set.
Soupperson1 +
20:29:00, 12 November 2014 +
41038_Jungle_Rescue_Base +