Review:41062 Elsa's Sparkling Ice Castle/Soupperson1

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Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
LEGO Logo.jpg Building Experience: Enough

Today I'm reviewing the set: 41062 Elsa's Sparkling Ice Castle. This set is one of the four sets in the 2015 Disney Princess wave. I didnt like last years Disney Princess sets, but I liked this one. Will I like this one too? While reading keep in mind I'm a Disney Princess fan girl, so if the set isn't accurate I won't be a huge fan. I'm going to attempt to be positive in reviews this year though, but no promises ;). Onto the review:


The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figures[edit | edit source]


The set includes 2 mini-doll figures which is fine for a mini-doll based set (they get less figures).

Unlike most people I don't like the Elsa figure.Her hair is a tad bit high on her and it's too thin at the back. Also why is her hair cool yellow but Anna's isn't flame yellow orange? :S White would've been a better colour choice, and it should be a thick braid over her shoulder. Also why is there a lavender bow in her hair?! She is the third princess to reuse Stephanie's face. Third! This would've been the perfect opportunity to make a smirking mini-doll face but nope. Her cape is gorgeous! It's sparkling in the inside like Vitruvius's cape. Her cape is based in an aqua colour, mainly because transparent would look silly. Her arms are also aqua instead of transparent because it would look ridiculous. She wears a long azure dress with sparkling details. In all I like the figure from the head down. But the head and hair ruin it.

Anna however is amazing! Probably the second best Disney Princess mini-doll figure(after Ariel). I love her hair/hat combo hair piece, but again the braids are too thin. She has a beautiful new and exclusive face! It portrays blue eyes with freckles! Like her sister she wears a cape, but this time a bright reddish violet one. She has a black torso with floral details. She has a new arm piece-aqua arms and blue gloves. She wears a long blue dress with a floral print at the bottom. In her band she holds a torch, because she's going to burn Elsa? :\

Olaf is meh. His face is nice but it looks weird without the strands of hair. I like the use of the unicorn horn in orange as his nose. I don't like how there's a visible hole in the torso. I know they needed to include his twig arms and buttoned body, but why not use the Snow Golems body?

Sidebuilds[edit | edit source]



Like most sets these days there's various side builds to increase the playability.

The slide has white slides and a transparent blue top. It has a play feature that I have not see before in a girls set, where you pull it up to reveal something-a cookie. The slide has a pair of ice skates in grey (Why not transparent blue?!). You can easily slide the sleigh down the slide and it flows off it.

The picnic mat is believe or not from the movie in the Summer sequence. It's red and white and has another cookie and a sand which on it. I don't remember food besides chocolate being featured in Frozen.

The sleigh is an interesting design. It has a curved reddish brown front and grey skis that make up the base. The back skis is cleverly designed it has whips as curved details! The inside of the sleigh has a white mini-doll sitter-downer. I adore the fact you can half another figure stand on the back of the sleigh!

The palace[edit | edit source]




First off who designed the colour scheme of this thing? It's azure, white, transparent blue, transparent blue with glitter, lavender, aqua and medium lavender! What kinda colour scheme is that? The palace vaguely resembles the castle in the movie.

The exterior has an arched entry with transparent blue walls. The floor of the entry has an exclusive flat aqua 1x4 brick! There's also a transparent blue one behind it and medium lavender slopes beside that. To the side there's a bunch of flame yellowish orange flowers, because they grow in winter? :/ To the left there's a tree with icicles coming down, more importantly there's bright yellowish green leaves. Note the spiral aqua staircase is exclusive! It's nice they tried to incorporate the staircase in such the small space. There's more of those flat aqua/transparent blue bricks and medium lavender slopes.

The middle of the castle has a strangely constructed balcony, why is there pink jems in flowers? I adore that lavender fence piece!

The top has a BURP (big ugly rock piece) in transparent blue WITH GLITTER!!!!! All the BURPs in this set are made of this amazing colour, four in total! Above the BURP they cleverly reuse the "teeth" bricks as detail and bright back the giant star piece, in transparent purple.

The inside has a transparent blue with glitter crystal on display in the centre. I know it's a lovely piece but does it need to be on display? The right has a pair of purple skis. There's a stickered wall with winter accessories hanging on it. The left side has a magenta ice cream maker (which I'm sure weren't invited back in the 18th century). There's a ice lolly and chocolate ice cream beside it.

The second floor has a simple constructed bed, for a girls theme. It's basically just a bright reddish violet 2x4 title and pillow. Beside the bed there's a candle dangerously close. Across from it there's a grey stand with bright reddish violet jumpers. On the jumpers there's a crown and a perfume bottle. The rest of the floor is plain so Elsa can access her balcony.

The top floor is basically just a letter, cushion, candle and book with a printing of the Arandale castle.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg 5 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5

Overall this is okay, it's better from the photos I saw of it. The design isn't historically or movie accurate and vaguely resembles the castle. But for a younger builder I guess it fine. Yes all the new colored pieces and three new moulds are nice, but why couldn't they be in transparent blue? The set is fun to play with, especially for a kid. I'm sure they'll miss Kristoff, Hans and Sven who aren't available else where. Overall I give this 7/10, it's not an amazing set but certainly not bad in any shape or forum. What do you think of this set? Be sure to let me know in the comments?

41062-12Soup.jpg Who will you invite to your ice castle?

Anyways, thanks for reading my review! I hope you liked it <3 Soup

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C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

120 months ago
Score 0++
Why does Elsa have a tiara as another accessory?!?!? She doesn't wear it in her Snow Queen form! Anna doesn't even wear her hat for a long time in the movie!

C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

120 months ago
Score 0++
The picture above is not good.
Soupperson1 +
18:51:00, 9 April 2014 +
41062_Elsa%27s_Sparkling_Ice_Castle +