Review:41036 Jungle Bridge Rescue/Soupperson1

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avatar Soupperson1
Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
LEGO Logo.jpg Building Experience: Enough

Today I'm reviewing a summer 2014 set: 41036 Jungle Bridge Rescue. This set is a 30€/$ Friends set. I am currently reviewing all the jungle sets week by week, this is the third one. Will this sub theme continue to be good? On to this weeks review(by the way the new reviews come out every Wednesday or Thursday):


The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figures[edit | edit source]

Two mini-doll figures are included, the friend of choice is Mia. Like for all the characters in the jungle rescue theme(besides Stephanie) her head and hair are very common. Mia's torso is exclusive though it can't really be used outside a rescue theme, I like the sand blue colouring. Apparently tomboys wear skirts in the jungle :/ Yep like Olivia Mia wears the dreaded sand green skirt, while exploring the jungle. >:S WHY?????!!!!????? Mia's accessories include an amber walkie talk and the rare purple headphones.

Matthew is included for some reason, why not include Henry or Sophie, the ones who own the junge rescue reserve. :/ Anyway Matthew like the girls his hair and head are common. His shirt is exclusive and is rather useful, even in day to day events. His trousers unlike in 41005 Heartlake High are tan at the bottom!, rather then dark blue.

Blu is the animal of choice. He is a black bear and exclusive! Wait your wondering why I said black bear, that's because according to LEGO. that's the spieces of bear he is. He looks more like a taibeneth blue bear, as blue black bears are more navy. Blu is the first friends character to have hazel eyes! :D I would've liked Blu's mother to appear as well, no new mould would be needed.

Helicopter[edit | edit source]

We get our first helicopter in friends! The helicopter looks rather odd though, the cockpit is too round and looks more like a big buble. There's a huge amount of open space between the cockpit when closed and the sides of the helicopter, let's hope poor Mia won't fall out. The helicopter also features a lowering hook as a play feature, which will hook onto the stretcher. While this is super cool and all, it is a pain to make the string right and then tie it to the hook right. In DUPLO sets the string is pre-tied and I wish that idea would be carried over to the System scale.

Off-roader[edit | edit source]

If you thought he helicopter was bad, look at this mess. It's horribly coloured, lime here!, medium lavender there!,throw in pink girls love pink!,don't forget magenta!,why not some white here? UGH...Awful. The build itself isn't too bad but I wouldn't go raving about it. Problems, the steering wheel is centred in the middle of the mini-doll-sitter-downers, there's no door, there's nothing to protect an animal from falling from the boot. A aqua medic bag and a light blue needle are included in the boot!,yay for cool parts.

Jungle Bridge[edit | edit source]

I really love this build, and I don't particularly know why. Mabey I just think the other two builds look so bad, this is great in comparison. :P The left side is Blu's cave home and right is a hill. Connecting the two sides is a rickety dark orange bridge which is suggested to be disassembled. At the back there's nothing much besides two diamonds for some reason. :O The parts here are rather nice particularly the lime and dark orange pieces.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg 4½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5

Overall, this is a pretty good set. The design of the vehicles are awful though, so I don't think I could give it a four. The pieces aren't great either for a Friends set. Yeah there's some, but not a lot of decent parts that could be reused. I think the playability is great though, but Blu needs a parent. If you want one jungle set I say this one, but when it all comes down it's up to you.

Anyways, thanks for reading my review! I hope you liked it <3 Soup

P.S. Please comment on which Friends review you want to see next, new review every week!

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C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

119 months ago
Score 0++
If Mia wore shorts or trousers, it would be better.
Soupperson1 +
18:51:00, 9 April 2014 +
41036_Jungle_Bridge_Rescue +