Review:41054 Rapunzel's Creativity Tower/Soupperson1

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Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
LEGO Logo.jpg Building Experience: Enough

Today I'm reviewing a new-ish set: 41054 Rapunzel's Creativity Tower. This set is a 40$ set of the Disney Princess theme. I didn't like the previous three Disney Princess sets I reviewed, will this be a change? While reading keep in mind I'm a Disney Princess fan girl, so if the set isn't accurate I won't be a huge fan. Now onto my review:


The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figures[edit | edit source]

Rapunzel is the princess of this set. Her dress is accurate, yay! The only accurate dress in the theme in fact. Even though her dress is great her head and hair aren't. Her face should have freckles, especially since Disney Princess's Anna has them. Her hair is too short and only comes down to the end of her torso. That's barley longer than Olivia's hair! Also in her hair are bows instead of flowers. :/ Also to add her hair was never braided in the tower. Her hair would also be better in yellow but that's more of a personal opinion.

Yay Eugene! Every disney female fan swoons over this guy. :3 LEGO must to as they did a great job with him, like Eric all his parts but hair are exclusive! Also like Eric his legs are very useful on mini-doll figures, particularly winter and horse riding ones. LEGO gave him the "smoulder" expression which makes him look attractive enough. Yay for hot mini-dolls? :P Also like Eric, it would've made more sense for Eugene to use the muscular mini-doll torso, rather than the teenage boy torso. Eugene's 26 for pete's sake.

I wish Mother Gothel was included also she could use Andrea's hair in black, so she'd need no new moulds.

Pascal and all his cuteness is included. They did an amazing job on him, all colours and prints are on par with his film counterpart. Speaking of colours Pascal is turning dark green which is a great touch to this figure. Pascal is also exclusive and it will probably remain that way because Friends got their own chameleon. Maximus is notably missing, he could've easily be included he didn't need a new mould or anything! :S

The tower[edit | edit source]

There's actually no side builds in this set, besides the oven which is supposed to be thrown into the tower anyway. Because of this development I'm reviewing this set as one, that's why there's only two pictures, because there's nothing really to take pictures off.

The bottom floor has a mix match of colours floor, which looks awfully strange. The only interior in the bottom floor is the exclusive purple stair case. There is literally no need for this, it's pointless. Random Person: But there was a stair case in the movie! Me:Yeah but the only notable thing that happened on if was juring "Mothers Knows Best", and Mothel Gothel isn't here. So basically the bottom floor is utter stupidity. :( The exterior is boring too, we get large curved grey wall pieces sure, but there both covered in a flower sticker! Did I forget to mention there's two sticker sheets in this set, TWO! I usually don't mind stickers but most of the stickers here are pointless. Also outside is a ton of foliage.

The second floor is odd too. There's a fireplace, and that's basically it. Above the fireplace there's Rapunzel's painting of her looking at the floating lights. But it wasn't over a fireplace in the film. Also Rapunzel appeartly just leaves her wooden art tray just by the fire, in hopes it won't burn. What a great example LEGO :/ Also on the second floor is a paintbrush in a goblet (Why??) and a can of azure paint. Appeartly one sticker on each large curved grey wall piece wasn't enough, as there's a sticker on each side here. The stickers on the inside here represent when Rapunzel realises she's a princess, but that scene was in her room. For some reason the floors pink, oh LEGO you and your colour bending.

The third floor a least has some point to it, there's a balcony, which was in the film. The interior is horriblely done reincarnations of the chair and mirror from the movie. The mirror is supposed to be the size of Rapunzel and she can see the whole of herself putting on the crown. Here it's so slim, she can barley see half herself. The chair's seat also is azure for no reason. :S I included the oven with these items, as it fits no where else. The over has those cookies (which are common enough now), Rapunzel's frying pan (at least it's the right colour and not magenta) and a wine bottle. Wait LEGO supports underage drinking! She's 17 and 364 days but still, naughty LEGO! The large curved wall pieces are featured here in tan. Unforntantly there covered in stickers :( The interior stickers are based of Rapunzel's paintings, there of animals that are found in other sets so you'll buy those sets. :P

The roof uses the castle roof piece but in purple, the interior includes a lavender chest with a few cans of paint (red, yellow, green).

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5

This is a preety bad set. The design is not accurate, and there's nothing really to do. Sure girls can reenact Rapunzel threatening Eugene on the chair, but that's about it. You need to build your own things to reenact any other of the sences from the movie. The parts aren't really amazing either, there's a lot of exclusive purple but they'll probally appear elsewhere soon. The price is horrible too $40 for 299 pieces! What an outrage! >:( Overall I say you should skip this set, unless you really want a Rapunzel's tower for your desk, the exterior can probally be changed easily enough to look accurate.

Anyways, thanks for reading my review! I hope you liked it <3 Soup

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C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

120 months ago
Score 0++
Rapunzel also appears in a 2015 polybag called Rapunzel At The Market Place. Eugene doesn't appear, however.

C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

120 months ago
Score 0++
You can swap Eugene's hairpiece and put it on Rapunzel to make her have her short brunette hair after Eugene cut it. Rapunzel's arms are inaccurate. The mini-doll has short lavender sleeves. In the film, Rapunzel has medium-length purplish-pink sleeves. Boo you, LEGO!

IchindarBrick Master

126 months ago
Score 0++
Will read this it fully later
Soupperson1 +
18:51:00, 9 April 2014 +
41054_Rapunzel%27s_Creativity_Tower +