Review:41061 Jasmine's Exotic Palace/Soupperson1

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Country: Ireland     Age Group: TFOL (Sweet Sixteen)   Gender: Female
Day.pngJoined: 28th December 2011 № of Reviews: 43   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
LEGO Logo.jpg Building Experience: Enough

Today I'm reviewing a new set: 41061 Jasmine's Exotic Adventure. This set is one of the four sets in the 2015 Disney Princess wave. I didnt like last years Disney Princess sets, but I liked this one , will all this years be the same. While reading keep in mind I'm a Disney Princess fan girl, so if the set isn't accurate I won't be a huge fan. I'm going to attempt to be positive in reviews this year though, but no promises ;). Onto the review:


Box and Instructions[edit | edit source]



Box[edit | edit source]

Yes I do this section when I feel like it. :P The box is pink like the other Disney Princess sets. The box is small and a 20$ box size, so this set has a 5$ price hike. Yay? The box portrays Raja and Jasmine re-enacting the romatic scenes in Aladdin because Aladdin is on a business trip or something. Perhaps he, Kristoff and Phillip are being held hostage by Alana as they were in head of her to appear in set! Yes that Alana must be crazy :O The back of the box shows more of the set, but everything was shown on the front so they resort into showing the side builds in action. It also shows the very detailed inside of the palace. :P

Instructions[edit | edit source]


The instructions are short and easy to follow. No ground breaking techniques thrown in either, so random page!

The Build[edit | edit source]

Mini-doll figure[edit | edit source]


The best part of this set is Jasmine she is extremely accurate besides her skin tone but we will get to that her. Her hairpiece is new and looks just as well on minifigures as it does on mini-dolls! Her hair is decorated with azur bands and a gold/azur crown, she's even wearing her earrings! Her hairpiece has one spot for bows and crows at the top, it looks rather stupid with the crown though. So I suggest leaving her headpiece bowless, even though no bow is included :P Her headpiece is new and great! It portrays her brown eyes, which is slightly slanted to match her flim's look. She wears an azur bikini top, that's film accurate :D. Her leg piece mould is also new and currently exclusive. (but Johnny Baker will steal it) it portrays longer trousers than the regular mini-doll trousers (E.g. Julian). Her trousers are azur and her shoes are aqua. The biggest problem is her skin tone, it should be Nougat not Medium Nougat. This makes her look a lot darker than she is, she looks more like Pochahontas in this shade! Nougat mini-dolls could appear in Friends and Elves so I don't see the dilemma. If she was nougat she would've almost been perfect :/

We also get a baby tiger as Raja, yes a new big tiger mould would've been great. But for such a small set I don't think it would've been a good idea to include such a big new mould. The tiger cub is cute nether the less and I assume kids won't care.

The biggest problem is no Aladdin, it's his movie! Perhaps the price could've been raised by $5 to include him.

Magic Carpet[edit | edit source]


This is the best part in the set! First of there's 4 exclusive amber 1x2 flat clip pieces! There's a 4x4 amber plate! The printed parts aren't stickers! (Though I doubt anyone can find use for them outside a carpet). The mini-doll sitter downer in blue is exclusive here too! I would've liked to seen another 1x2 1x2 flat blue and mini-doll sitter downer to be interchangeable with the blue jumper. But then again that would've been pointless because no Aladdin.

Sidebuilds[edit | edit source]


We have a stand for the magic lamp, made out of very common pieces. This is the first appearance of the magic lamp in a retail set, but why would you want one if you have no genie?

The fountain is a direct copy off the one from 41030. However it does feature the nice trans blue water piece WITH GLITTER!!!! Th pieces here aren't too bad like the curved azur plate, the curved white bricks and the bowl. It has some flowers on it for some reason.

Also included is a snake coming out of a brown box and a gold "flute" for jasmine to charm him.

The market stall is fairly nice the 1x2 roof pieces in lavender and magenta are nice. The sticker is nice on the 2x4 lavender flat smooth piece and is the most useful sticked part in the set. In the stall there's two cone pieces one yellow and one purple, both with glitter! Also there's a green stud because why not?

The palace[edit | edit source]


The main build is the palace. What a disappointment. It's really small and lacking in detail. :/ Outside there's grey stones with an abundance of flowers on each stone. The lavender 1x2x5 pieces are a really nice inclusion and so are the half a arch medium nougat pieces, but those colours don't look nice together. The walls of the palace is just one big curved piece with a sticker planted on it. The roof is designed to have Jasmine stand on it like a balcony. The roof does have those nice gold curved roof pieces though. It also has some burning flowers because why not?

Inside is a huge disappointment a "table" with one perfume bottle and a chair. In fairness the chair is built nice with its magenta tile with a stud reaching out pieces. But that's all there is, no bed no vanity (every other disney set this year features those things)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2½ / 5

Overall, this is bad, pretty bad. While it's not accurate in terms of the movie, I don't see how they could've made it accurate with this number of pieces. But they put all the pieces into making a large market scene rather than expanding on the palace and why? There's no other characters to work at the market so why bother? The biggest problem is not including Aladdin. :/ The price for piece ratio isn't great, but not many licensed sets have great price for pieces. But this dosnt have that many nice pieces, and the piece count is brought up by studs. Overall I give this 5/10, it's not the best but not the worst. I don't recommend it, there's better sets you could buy instead for this price. What do you think of this set? Be sure to let me know in the comments?

Anyways, thanks for reading my review! I hope you liked it <3 Soup

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Comments (2)[edit | edit source]

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C*ilovrrThinking With Bricks

117 months ago
Score 0++
I would have liked it better if Aladdin was included in this set.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think that's everyone's opinion on this set :P
Soupperson1 +
18:51:00, 9 April 2014 +
41061_Jasmine%27s_Exotic_Palace +