Snake (Animal)

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(Redirected from Snake (animal))
Slang zwart.jpg

Adventurers Egypt
Adventurers Dino Island
Adventurers Jungle
Aqua Raiders
Castle (2007)
Harry Potter
Indiana Jones
Knights' Kingdom
Orient Expedition
Pirates (4 Plus)
Star Wars
Town Extreme Team
World Racers
Pharaoh's Quest


Black, Green, Red


1997 - 2012

[List of appearances]

The Snake is a LEGO animal, that would appear to be based mostly upon a real rattlesnake due to its rattle.

Unlike most other LEGO animals the snake does not fit on any sort of stud, however it can be placed in a Minifigure's hand. The snake appears in a wide range of LEGO sets.

The original snake figure was introduced in 1997 for the Adventurers theme, along with an updated version released in 2012 for the Ninjago theme.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Classic version[edit | edit source]


Updated version[edit | edit source]

Bright Yellowish-Green
Earth Blue
Medium Blue
Warm Gold
Bright Red

Gallery[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit Animals
Amphibians & Reptiles: Crocodile | Frog | Snake | Turtle
Arthropods: Ant | Butterfly | Scorpion | Spider |
Birds: Bird | Chicken | Crow | Duck | Falcon | Ostrich | Owl | Parrot | Penguin | Seagull
Land Mammals: Bat | Bear | Bison | Cat | Chimp | Camel | Cow | Dog | Elephant | Fawn | Foal | Giraffe | Goat | Hedgehog | Horse | Lion | Monkey | Mouse | Panda | Pig | Polar Bear | Pony | Seal | Squirrel | Rabbit | Rat | Zebra
Sea Animals: Clam | Crab | Dolphin | Dolphin (Friends) | Fish | Jellyfish | Lobster | Octopus | Sawfish | Shark | Starfish | Stingray
Non-avian dinosaurs: Brachiosaurus | Spinosaurus | Stegosaurus | Pteranodon | Raptor | Tyrannosaurus rex | Baby Tyrannosaurus rex | Triceratops | Coelophysis | Mosasaurus | Styracosaurus
Fictional Animals 1: Dragon | Baby Dragon | Jun-Chi | Lava Monster | Rock Monster | Tygurah | Unicorn | Yeti
LEGO Racers 2 animals: Martian Plant Animal
Avatar animals: Momo the Flying Lemur
Harry Potter animals: Aragog | Basilisk | Thestral | Hippogriff | Phoenix | Three-Headed Dog | Hedwig
Fictional Animals 2: The Lord of the Rings creatures: Cave Troll | Shelob | Mirkwood Spider | Warg | Great Eagle
Ninjago animals: Dragons | Ultra Dragon | The Great Devourer | Cragling | Grundal | Mud Monster | Treehorn | Treehorn Queen
Pharaoh's Quest animals: Cobra | Scarab | Scorpion | Sphinx
Star Wars animals: Acklay | Dewback | Dianoga | Kaadu | Nexu | Rancor | Reek | Roggwart | Sarlacc | Tauntaun | Varactyl | Wampa