First Order Gunner
First Order Gunner | |||
![]() |
Theme: | |||
Variations: |
Serious | ||
Accessories: |
Black helmet | ||
Years: | |||
[List of appearances] |
A First Order Gunner, also known as a First Order Crew or First Order Fleet Engineer, is a Star Wars minifigure first released in 2015.
Description[edit | edit source]
The First Order Gunner has a solid black helmet that is uniquely molded. The torso has printing in the front and back to represent the uniform. Both the torso and legs are solid black.
Video game variants[edit | edit source]
In LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the First Order Fleet Engineer's abilities consist of the following:
- Can accept First Order missions
- Can use First Order Terminals
- Can scan for hidden objects
Gallery of variants[edit | edit source]
Video game variants[edit | edit source]
First Order Fleet Engineer (LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens) |
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- 75101 First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter (serious)
- 75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (two: serious, unhappy)
- 75132 First Order Battle Pack (serious)
- 75177 First Order Heavy Scout Walker (serious)
- 75197 First Order Specialists Battle Pack (serious)
Video game appearances[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
- Jedi Order
Aayla Secura | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Coleman Trebor | Eeth Koth | Even Piell | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Nahdar Vebb | Noga-ta | Plo Koon | Pong Krell | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Stass Allie
- Post-Order 66
Ahsoka Tano | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Luke Skywalker | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda
- Expanded Universe
Galen Marek | Jedi Consular | Jedi Knight (The Old Republic) | Satele Shan
- LEGO Universe
Jedi Knight (Episode II) | Jek-14
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Palpatine's Sith
Count Dooku | Darth Maul | Darth Vader | Palpatine
- Other
Asajj Ventress | Galen Marek | Savage Opress | Sith Probe Droid
- Expanded Universe
Darth Malgus | Darth Revan | Darth Marr | Sith trooper
- LEGO Universe
Jek-14 | M-OC Hunter Droid | Naare
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Clone Troopers
212th Battalion Clone Trooper | 41st Elite Corps Trooper | 501st Clone Pilot | 501st Legion Clone Trooper | Airborne Clone Trooper | ARC Trooper | ARF Trooper | Bomb Squad Trooper | Captain Jag | Captain Rex | Clone Aerial Trooper | Clone Commander | Clone Gunner | Clone Jetpack Trooper | Clone Pilot | Clone Recon Trooper | Clone Scout Trooper | Clone Trooper | Clone Trooper (Horn Company) | Clone Trooper Captain | Clone Trooper Commander | Clone Trooper Lieutenant | Clone Trooper Sergeant | Commander Cody | Commander Fox | Commander Gree | Commander Neyo | Commander Wolffe | Geonosis Airborne Clone Trooper | Geonosis Clone Trooper | Shock Trooper | Siege Battalion Trooper | Star Corps Trooper | Wolfpack Clone Trooper
- Droids
Astromech Droid (75087) | Q7 Series V-wing Astromech | R2-D2 | R2-R7 | R3-D5 | R4-D5 | R4-G9 | R4-P17 | R4-P44 | R7-A7 | R7-D4 | R8-B7 | TC-4
- Senate
Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Palpatine | Senate Commando | Senate Commando Captain
- Military
Antidar Williams | Chewbacca | Chief Tarfful | Maoi Madakor | Wookiee | Wookiee Warrior
- Naboo
Captain Panaka | Captain Tarpals | Gungan Warrior | Jar Jar Binks | Naboo fighter pilot | Naboo security guard | Naboo Security Officer
- Expanded Universe
Jace Malcom | Republic Trooper | T7-O1
- LEGO Universe
Shadow ARF Trooper | Special Forces Clone Trooper | Special Forces Commander
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Separatist leaders
Count Dooku | General Grievous | Nute Gunray | Poggle the Lesser
- Battle droids
Battle droid | Battle droid commander | Buzz Droid | Commando Droid | Commando Droid Captain | Droideka | Dwarf Spider Droid | MagnaGuard | Pilot Battle Droid | Rocket Battle Droid | Rocket Droid Commander | Security battle droid | Sniper droid | Super Battle Droid
- Other droids
EV-A4-D | FA-4 | TC-14 | TX-20
- Organic soldiers
Geonosian Pilot | Geonosian Warrior | Geonosian Zombie | Neimoidian Warrior | Umbaran Soldier
- LEGO Universe
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Leaders and officers
Agent Kallus | Darth Vader | Firmus Piett | General Veers | Grand Admiral Thrawn | Imperial Officer | Imperial Navy Officer | Imperial Recruitment Officer | Juno Eclipse | Orson Krennic | Palpatine | Wilhuff Tarkin | Yularen
- Inquisitorius
Fifth Brother | The Inquisitor
- Stormtroopers
Imperial Death Trooper | Imperial shock trooper | Imperial Shoretrooper | Imperial Snowtrooper | | Imperial Stormtrooper | Jump trooper | Mimban Stormtrooper | Sandtrooper | Scout Trooper | Shadow stormtrooper | Shadow Trooper | Snowtrooper Commander | Stormtrooper Sergeant
- Pilots, soldiers and support staff
AT-AT Pilot | AT-ST Pilot | Death Star Gunner | Emperor's Royal Guard | Imperial Combat Driver | Imperial Crew | Imperial Emigration Officer | Imperial Ground Crew | Imperial Hovertank Pilot | Imperial Pilot | Imperial Technician | Imperial Trooper | Shadow Guard | TIE Pilot
- Droids
Death Star Droid | Droid Brain | IM4-099 Mark IV Sentry Droid | Imperial Astromech | Imperial Astromech Droid | Imperial Probe Droid | IT-O | MSE-6 Droid | R2-Q2 | R2-Q5 | R5-J2 | U-3PO
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Leaders and officers
Admiral Ackbar | Admiral Raddus | Agent Kallus | Airen Cracken | Bren Derlin | Captain Rex | Cassian Andor | Chewbacca | Commander Sato | Crix Madine | Ezra Bridger | General Rieekan | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Juno Eclipse | Kanan Jarrus | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Mon Calamari Officer | Mon Mothma | Raymus Antilles | Sabine Wren | Zeb Orrelios
- Pilots
A-wing pilot | Arvel Crynyd | B-wing Pilot | Biggs Darklighter | Bodhi Rook | Dak Ralter | Gray Squadron Pilot | Jek Porkins | Jon "Dutch" Vander | Keyan Farlander | Rebel Pilot | Rebel Snowspeeder Gunner | Snowspeeder Pilot | Ten Numb | Theron Nett | U-Wing Pilot | Wedge Antilles | Wes Janson | Wenton Chan | Y-Wing Pilot | Zev Senesca
- Soldiers and combat droids
Baze Malbus | Bistan | Chirrut Îmwe | Hoth Rebel Trooper | Jyn Erso | Moroff | Pao | Rebel Commando | Rebel Fleet Trooper | Rebel Trooper
- Support staff and droids
C-3PO | C1-10P | K-2SO | K-3PO | R-3PO | R2-D2 | R2-X2 | R3-A2 | R3-M2 | R5-D8 | R5-F7 | Rebel Ground Crew | Rebel Mechanic | Toryn Farr
- Ewoks
Chief Chirpa | Ewok Warrior | Logray | Paploo | Teebo | Tokkat | Wicket W. Warrick
- The rebellion
Ahsoka Tano | Commander Gregor | Commander Wolffe | Quarrie | Wookiee Warrior | Wullffwarro
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Officers and leaders
Captain Phasma | Colonel Datoo | First Order Admiral | First Order Officer | General Hux | Kylo Ren | Lieutenant Mitaka | Supreme Leader Snoke
- Troopers and bodyguards
Elite Praetorian Guard | First Order Flametrooper | First Order Heavy Artillery Stormtrooper | First Order Snowtrooper | First Order Snowtrooper Officer | First Order Stormtrooper | First Order Stormtrooper Officer | First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant
- Pilots, support staff and droids
BB-9E | First Order Fleet Engineer | First Order Technician | First Order Shuttle Pilot | First Order TIE Fighter Pilot | First Order Walker Driver
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Individuals
Admiral Ackbar | BB-8 | C-3PO | Chewbacca | Finn | Goss Toowers | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Lieutenant Bastian | Poe Dameron | Resistance Gunner Paige | Rey | Rose Tico | Vice Admiral Holdo
- Troopers, pilots and support staff
Resistance Bombardier | Resistance Bomber Pilot | Resistance Officer | Resistance Soldier | Resistance Trooper | Resistance X-Wing Pilot
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Bounty hunters
4-LOM | Aurra Sing | Boba Fett | Bossk | Cad Bane | Dengar | Embo | Greedo | IG-88 | Jango Fett | Shahan Alama | Sugi | Zam Wesell
- Hutt Clan
Bib Fortuna | EV-9D9 | Gamorrean Guard | Jabba the Hutt | Kithaba | Malakili | Max Rebo | Nikto Guard | Oola | Ree-Yees | Rotta the Huttlet | Salacious B. Crumb | Skiff Guard | Weequay
- Pirates, smugglers and criminals
Crokind Shand | Hondo Ohnaka | Maz Kanata | Tasu Leech | Turk Falso | Unkar Plutt | Unkar's Brute | Unkar's Thug
- Death Watch
Pre Vizsla | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Super Commando
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Creatures
Dewback | Dianoga | Kaadu | Rancor | Rathtar | Sarlacc | Tauntaun | Womp Rat | Porg
- Droids
ASP Droid | Assassin Droid | Blue astromech | DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid | DLC-13 Mining Droid | Elite Assassin Droid | Festive Astromech | Fodesinbeed Annodue | FX-9 Surgical Assistant Droid | Gonk Droid | LIN Demolitionmech | Medical Droid | Pit droid | PK Droid | Prowler 1000 exploration droid | R1-G4 | R1-series Droid | R2 unit | R4-G0 | R5-D4 | RA-7 Protocol Droid | Training Droid | Treadwell Droid
- Podracers
Aldar Beedo | Gasgano | Sebulba
- Tatooine inhabitants
B'omarr Monk | Jawa | Owen Lars | Skeleton | Skyhopper Pilot | Tusken Raider | Wald | Watto
- LEGO Universe
Kordi Freemaker | R0-GR | Rowan Freemaker | Zander Freemaker
- Other
Bespin Guard | Bith Musician | Cloud Car Pilot | Lobot | Lor San Tekka | Sgt. Isdam Edian | Teedo | Thi-Sen | Ugnaught
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media