Land of Chima
The Land of Chima is the setting for Legends of Chima and its spin-off media, including a TV series and video games. It is a fictional world shared by anthropomorphic characters.
Background[edit | edit source]
The Land of Chima was a kingdom shared by eight tribes of anthropomorphic creatures: Lions, Crocodiles, Eagles, Wolves, Ravens, Gorillas, Bears, and Rhinoceroses.[1]
A natural resource called CHI which contains a condensation of nature's raw energy flows through the water from Mount Cavora, which was formed by an earthquake, and is the source of the land's life.[2] The CHI is carried by the Cavora River to the Sacred Pool of CHI in the Lions' territory. It is here that it blends with minerals to become glowing, blue orbs. If there is too much or not enough CHI contained in the pool, the whole land will feel the effects and natural balance will be altered heavily.[2] To keep the pool from overflowing, the Lions share the CHI with friends and foes alike to ensure that it is used.[2]
CHI is used to power vehicles, weapons, and can be a weapon itself, but is often saved as a last resort because it is physically draining. When placed on a chest of an Chima inhabitant, in a special harness they all wear, they will be connected to a more animalistic state with enhanced instincts, powers, and abilities from a surge of life force.[2]
The energy produced by CHI can last for days or hours before losing its glow, evaporating, and returning to nature.[2]
Mount Cavora grants the inhabitants of Chima with not only CHI, but also wheels which are formed from rocks that fell from the mountain. The wheels run on nature and work best when there is lush greenery around them, and poorly in desert and other barren biomes. The wheels are fitted with chariots so the animals can ride them, called Speedorz.[3]
Speedorz are used in tournaments for entertainment and an arena for housing them is located in the Grand Arena of Chima.[3] The arena can be transformed by rare, Golden CHI to house different obstacles and environments. The winner in a tournament is awarded the Golden CHI, which every tribe sends representatives for a chance to obtain. For a long time, Speedor competitions were used as an alternative to war to solve squabbles.[3]
The Grand Arena of Chima is not the only place where Speedorz are used. They are also used for transport across the extensive world and for amusement by young animals in front of the Lions' temple where there is a large, mossy patch.[3]
A common mineral in Chima is chimoralium. Most tribes use it to create tools, weapons, or artifacts.
The swamp area where the Crocodile Tribe lives is also known to contain a thick, unnamed gas which can be placed in a shaft to ignite a gel and form a flame and a rock known as a crook stone which glows in the dark.
War[edit | edit source]

Peace lasted in Chima for many years between the eight tribes.[1] Though the tribes did not always agree, conflict was avoided by Speedor tournaments. However, when the wise king of the Crocodiles, Crominus, and his queen, Crunket, were cast into the Gorge of Eternal Depth, their more power-hungry son, Cragger, came to power. Cragger blamed the Lions for their vanishing and placed CHI into his chest. It gave him the sense of power he craved, and he wanted more.[1]
Cragger declared war on the Lions, to spark a revolution. The Crocodiles were joined by the thieving Ravens and barbaric Wolves, while the Lions were joined by the Gorillas and calculating Eagles. It is unknown which sides the Bears and Rhinos have chosen.[1]

Vehicles built for combat and powered by CHI are known to be used by all eight tribes. They are stylized after the tribe's patron animal and often contain attributes valued by their tribe. The claw ripper (used by the Crocodiles) has overpowered wheels,[4] the Eagle Interceptor can gracefully fly,[5] the Lion Attack buggy is quick and defensive,[6] the Raven Glider is stealthy,[7] and the Wolves' Pack Tracker is bulky and destructive.[8] Images show a mech used by the Gorilla Tribe, but its strengths remain unknown, like the tribe's attributes.
Populace[edit | edit source]
The World of Chima includes eight known tribes: the Lions, Crocodiles, Eagles, Wolves, Gorillas, Ravens, bears, and Rhinos.[1]
Tribes of Chima[edit | edit source]
Lion Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Lion Tribe's government is known to include a monarchy and a council of Elders.[9] The Lions' distribute the CHI and maintain the pool which it comes from. Their vehicles, buildings, and monuments are often coloured in an orange-yellow with brown manes and tan accents.[6]
When a Lion comes of age, they are given a sword similar to a katana called a katar which symbolizes the wisdom and strength they should have as adult Lions.
The first two weapons formed from CHI still exist in Chima, and are owned by the Lion Tribe, the Royal Valious of Unity and the Royal Valious which are indestructible and passed down through the Lion Tribe's royalty until the Royal Valious made its way to Laval.
Several members of the Lion Tribe are known, including:
- Laval: the young Prince of the Lions.[10]
- Lagravis: the Lions' King and Laval's father.
- Lavertus: Lagravis' older brother who was exiled when he was still a prince.
- Lennox: a member of the Lions' military who specializes in driving vehicles and Speedorz.[11]
- Longtooth: an older Lion who though old enough to be on the Council of Elders, still serves as a foot soldier.[9]
- Leonidas: another foot soldier who is efficient at his job, but can only take one command at a time.[12]
- An unnamed blacksmith who, with help from the Eagles, invented the Sonic Roarox.
Crocodile Tribe[edit | edit source]

The Crocodile Tribe is also run by a king. The Crocodiles live in a swampy area which is the source of a gas that can be used in conjunction with a gel to create a torch-weapon. Another resource found in the swamp is the crook stone, a rock which glows in the dark.
The Crocodiles have an old, royal weapon they call Grandiorus. It doubles as Crominus' sword and sceptre. The Royal Hakraxx is an ax which can only be used by the tribe's ruling king. The vengdualize is a double-bladed sword passed from the Croc king to his heir when he or she comes of age.
The vehicles used by the Crocs often use olive green as a base colour with transparent red windshields, if any, with accents of dark red.
- Cragger: the former King/current Prince of the Crocodile Tribe who began the revolution against the Lions.
- Crooler: Cragger's twin sister and second-in-command, though she is recognized as being the true leader of the Crocodiles in a puppet master style.
- Crominus: The current King of the Crocodiles who went missing. He is Cragger and Crooler's father.
- Crunket: Crominus' Queen.
- Crug: described as being a henchman or goon for Cragger.
- Crawley: another goon.
- Cranvil: the Crocs' blacksmith who specializes in making maces.
Eagle Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Eagles, who live in cliffs, are known for being analytical and having the ability to fly without vehicles. They have a Ruling Council, but the history of a weapon wielded by Equila suggests some form or another of Eagle Tribe royalty, though it is possibly a thing of the past.
The Eagles' vehicles are coloured blue and white with yellow beaks.
- Ewald: the current head of the eagles' Ruling Council
- Eris: is more quick-thinking than the other eagles who are more calculative, but she is still very intelligent. She prefers to be with the earth-bound inhabitants of Chima, like her friend Laval, than her Eagle brethren.
- Equila: the Eagles' "flying ace" and proud owner of the Eglaxxor, a weapon with primacy among the Eagle Tribe's royal ones.
- Ewar: another member of the Eagles' army. Ewar is very strict when it comes to following a plan, and is unable to recalculate without receiving a major setback.
- Eglor: the Eagles' technician and inventor.
Wolf Tribe[edit | edit source]
The nomadic Wolf Tribe has little need for a leader, because as a pack they all think similarly. However, they do choose one wolf to handle negotiations with "the others" they come in contact with.
The Wolves are destructive and several of their members are known for loving to inflict pain. Like all other Chima inhabitants, their vehicles resemble their patron animal and are coloured in greys, black, and dark red.
- Worriz: the wolves' backstabbing, but charming, negotiator.
- Wakz: the cunning Wolf Elder.
- Wilhurt: a Wolf similar in personality to Worriz, but he is not charming. Wilhurt has strong desires to cause pain unto others.
- Winzar: a violent and scarred member of the Wolf pack.
- Unnamed Blacksmith(s): an unnamed Wolf identified as a blacksmith developed a claw which is used on a raven weapon called the bazooklaw. A blacksmith, possibly the same one, also created lances used in Speedorz battles, which were failed attempts at swords.
- The Mother Wolf: a weapon known as a maulus is dedicated to The Mother Wolf who gave the Wolves their attributes. Whether she is (or was) real or a tribal superstition remains unknown.
Raven Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Raven Tribe is a group of thieves all attracted to shiny objects.
Their vehicles are often gliders coloured black, dark red, and purple.
- Rawzom: the Ravens' master thief and leader.
- Razar: a selfish and greedy Raven allied with Cragger because he sees it as more profitable than siding with the lions.
- Rizzo: a Raven scavenger without any dignity, and he is proud of it.
- Razcal: an accomplished pilot, the accountant of the Raven Tribe, and one of the few who can count.
Gorilla Tribe[edit | edit source]
Little is known about the Gorilla Tribe, except that they side with the lions and eagles.
- Gorzan: A close friend of Laval
- G'Loona: Is an orphaned Gorilla Girl who looks-up to Gorzan
- Grumlo: The Elder and Leader of the Gorilla's Meditation.
- Grizzam: A mysterious Gorilla who is almost never seen...
- Gompsy: One of the Main Soldiers of the Gorillas.
The Gorillas pilot giant Mechs which probably only they know how to use. Gorzan's best explanation is to meditate and to become one with the machine, but it doesn't help at all.
Bear Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Bears spend most of their day sleeping where they all hang out in the Great Dream. Bears can sleep through loud noises easily and can only be woken by whispering. During Chima's civil war, the Bears sided with the Lions, though slept through the battles instead of helping. The bears believe Chima was created by the "Great Dream."
- Bladvic: The warrior of the Bear Tribe.
- Balkar: The Elder of the Bears.
- Bungey: A member of the Bear Tribe.
- Buchuma: A member of the Bear Tribe.
- Bumpy: A member of the Bear Tribe.
- Bozy: A member of the Bear Tribe.
Rhino Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Rhinos lack intelligence and spend their day playing with rocks. During Chima's civil war, the Rhinos were bribed into siding with Cragger, after being presented with a truckload of rocks. The Rhinos believe everyone evolved from rocks.
- Rogon: The warrior of the Rhinos.
- Rhigor: The Elder of the Rhinos.
- Runk: A member of the Rhinos.
- Rukus: A member of the Rhinos.
- Rinona: Rogon's sister and the only known female rhino.
Beaver Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Beavers are Chima's fixers. They enjoy working and will gladly build or fix anything, without even stopping to think whether or not it is morally right. They are very strange as the thought of having a vacation from work is horrible to them. The Beavers are probably the smallest citizens of Chima. They don't fight for the Lions or the Crocs, yet are happy to fix something or build something for both factions.
- Breezor: The leader of the Beavers.
The Crawlers[edit | edit source]
These tribes evolved from CHI Laval threw into the Gorge of Eternal Depth to keep out of reach from the power hungry Cragger. The Crawlers served as antagonists for the first half of 2014 and the second season of the animated series.
Scorpion Tribe[edit | edit source]
- Scorm: The King of the Scorpions.
- Scutter: A six legged Scorpion soldier.
- Scolder: The Scorpion general.
- Scrug: A Scorpion soldier.
Spider Tribe[edit | edit source]
Bat Tribe[edit | edit source]
The Bats were the aerial unit of the Crawlers. They have the ability to turn into a large black cloud which they used to transport the Scorpions and Spiders to Mount Cavora
Ice Hunters[edit | edit source]
A band of warriors consisting of Saber-Tooth Tigers, Mammoths, Vultures, and Ice Bears formed in ancient Chima by Sir Fangar. They rampaged across the land in an effort to control it until they were cast into the Gorge of Eternal Depth by the great Illumination and frozen in a block of ice for ten thousand years. When they were awoken by a discarded orb of CHI, they continued their rampage, only this time, their time in the ice gifted them with the power to control ice.
Saber-Tooth Tiger Tribe[edit | edit source]
- Sir Fangar: The cunning leader of the Saber-Tooth Tigers and overall, the Hunters.
- Stealthor: The Spy of the Saber-Tooth Tiger Tribe. He also serves as a secondary leader for the Saber-Tooth Tigers under Sir Fangar.
- Strainor: A warrior of the Saber-tooth Tigers. He keeps Sykor on a leash.
- Sykor: The feral Saber-tooth Tiger. He is restrained by Strainor.
- Sibress
- Sirox
- Saraw
Mammoth Tribe[edit | edit source]
- Maula: The Queen of the Mammoths, and Mottrot and Mungus' mother.
- Mungus: The boneheaded, yet large and muscular Mammoth. He is Mottrot's little brother, and Maula's younger (and preffered) son.
- Mottrot: The intelligent, yet under-appreciated member of the Mammoths. He is Mungus' older brother, and Maula's eldest son.
Vulture Tribe[edit | edit source]
- Vardy: The patient leader of the Vultures.
- Vornon: A depressed Vulture soldier who expects the worst of everything. (a.k.a. the pessimist)
- Voom Voom: An upbeat and happy Vulture soldier. (a.k.a. the optimist.)
- Vultrix
Ice Bear Tribe[edit | edit source]
- Icebite: A member of the Ice Bear tribe. One could assume he is the leader.
- Icepaw: A member of the Ice Bear tribe. He is a very violent warrior.
- Icerlot
- Iceklaw
The Fire Tribes[edit | edit source]
Phoenix Tribe[edit | edit source]
- Fluminox: The serious, yet wise Phoenix sovereign.
- Foltrax: The Phoenix pilot of the Blazing Bastion.
- Florax: Mother of Flinx and wife of Fluminox
- Firox: The co-pilot of the Blazing Bastion.
- Frax: The Phoenix gunner of the Blazing Bastion.
- Flinx: The son of Fluminox.
The Tunnel Cats[edit | edit source]
Once a fierce band of ancient warriors, the Tunnel Cats now guard the hidden city and the Crescent outpost.
- Tormak: A Tiger warrior who is the adoptive father of Li'ella.
- Lundor: The Leopard historian for the Phoenix.
- Tazar
- Trakkar
Official Description[edit | edit source]
This is a description taken from Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page)
Once a pristine, natural paradise, the Kingdom of CHIMA has become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source of life and potential destruction. Only a few brave heroes in CHIMA understand the true nature of CHI, and the possible downfall of CHIMA that will result from its misuse. Their stories, and the stories of those who seek to destroy them, are known as... THE LEGENDS OF CHIMA.
For a thousand years, animal tribes have ruled the land of CHIMA. Lions, crocodiles, eagles, wolves, gorillas, ravens, rhinos and bears lived in peace. They played and worked together, cooperated and prospered - until the outbreak of the CHIMA conflicts.
As the first species to drink from the Ancient Pool of CHI, the Lions had become its sworn protector. No one had ever challenged the Lions' custodianship of the Pool because the Lions had always been reliable and fair with the CHI. Animals throughout the Kingdom relied on the magical CHI orbs to energize their vehicles, gear, and themselves. The orbs were a power source that the Lions had always shared equally with everyone. Eventually, some of the animals got greedy. A young, rogue Crocodile prince named Cragger demanded that his tribe should receive a greater share of the powerful CHI orbs. But the Lions insisted, as they had for a thousand years, that giving too much CHI to any one tribe would upset the natural balance of CHIMA. The Lions only wanted to be fair, and to protect the entire Kingdom. But the Crocodiles didn’t see it this way. A series of minor skirmishes over the Crocodiles’ share of the CHI led to bigger battles.
When the Crocodile Prince Cragger accused the Lions of getting rid of his parents and he became Crocodile King, full-scale conflict broke out between the Crocodiles and the Lions. As conflict spreads, the fate of the Kingdom of CHIMA hangs in the balance…
This is a description taken from Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page)
Once, Chima was a land of peace and tranquility, until a battle over the powerful energy source called CHI threatened to rip it apart. When the tribes finally put down their weapons and enemies became friends again, it seemed as if everything would return to normal once more.
The future looked bright. Then the Hunter tribes appeared, freed from their icy prison underground. They spread snow and ice wherever they went, transforming Chima into a frozen wasteland. Battered by the cold and taken by surprise by the Saber Tooths, Vultures and Mammoths, the tribes reeled and the entire land was in peril. Salvation came from the discovery of the Phoenix tribe and their Fire CHI.
It seemed that the battle would be won. But it was not so easy to make this winter go away, and the Hunters still maintain an icy grip on the places they have conquered. Relentless cold, blizzards and ice storms are still the rule over much of Chima. The tribes must fight on to restore warmth and peace to their homeland.
Locations in Chima[edit | edit source]
Chima[edit | edit source]
Mount Cavora[edit | edit source]
Cavora is a large floating mountain in the center of Chima which provides the animals with Chi. It originally stood as Chima's tallest mountain and was where the Phoenix constructed their city upon descending from the sun. During the first Illumination, Cavora was pulled from the land and an energy field was created which kept the mountain airborne. The mountain absorbs the moisture in the air around it and combines it with the remaining illumination energy to create the CHI falls. Following the evolution of the animal tribes, the Phoenix carved the faces onto the mountain side to honor those tribes.
For the longest time, the true nature of Cavora remained a mystery to the animals below, as the energy field preventing anyone from getting near the mountain. Yet the field was weak around the CHI falls and the Crawlers used this to their advantage in order to block up the falls.
Phoenix Temple[edit | edit source]
The hidden home of the Phoenix built atop Mount Cavora when it was still part of the ground. For a thousand ages, it was hidden from view as the Phoenix and the Tiger Guards lived in peace inside it. When the Hunters were re-awoken and Eris, Laval, and Cragger climbed to the city and it was revealed to the tribes. The Blazing Bastion sits atop it.
Lion City[edit | edit source]
Laval's Bedroom[edit | edit source]
Laval's Bedroom is directly above the main entry way into the palace section of the lion city. Apart from a double bed, the room is filled with weapons and toys as well as a dresser.
Map Room[edit | edit source]
A room in the Lion City where an elaborate mural of the land is painted on the floor. It is Laval's duty to clean the room when he is in trouble. During war, the Lions use the map to strategies battle plans. ("The Joyride","The Call of Cavora")
Sacred Pool of CHI[edit | edit source]
Speedorz Arena[edit | edit source]
The land surrounding the Lion Temple is left untouched as Speedor tracks are created there every month by the Golden CHI for the market day race.
Eagle Spire[edit | edit source]
Eagle Library[edit | edit source]
Forever Rock[edit | edit source]
- “Places like this are a good reminder to make the most of the time we have!”
- ―Elida
The Forever Rock is a small peninsular on a creek surrounded by waterfalls. A large rock stands at its edge on which Cragger and Laval's win tallies are inscribed. The Forever Rock was often seen as a place of peace as the treaty talks were held here, as well as a bonfire following the defeat of the Crawlers. When they were children, Cragger and Laval spent countless hours playing there with their friends. During the Hundred Year Moon, G'Loona was held captive at the Forever Rock by the Crocs. Prior to their departure into the Outlands, the eight Chima heroes met at the Forever Rock.
The Forever Rock can be visited in Legends of Chima Online during a mission for Elida. It is in the Forest of Falling Leaves in the Gorilla Grove.
Spiral Mountain[edit | edit source]
A tall peak amidst the shadow hills whose edges form a spiral for easy access to the top. It is the home of Skinnet and Plovar, as the Skunk's smell is only tolerated there. During the civil war, ShadoWind led Laval and Cragger's Speedor group there to enjoy the sunset and a breathtaking view of Mount Cavora. When the Hunters returned, Sir Fangar and Li'ella's wedding was planned to be held there.
Shadow Hills[edit | edit source]
Located near Spiral Mountain, the rocks here look similar to the animals' ancestors. ("The Joyride")
Everglow Falls[edit | edit source]
The Everglow Falls is a giant waterfall near Spiral Mountain. ("The Joyride")
Hummingmoss Point[edit | edit source]
A place in Chima where Crug and Crawley once went camping at. It is near Spiral Mountain. ("The Joyride","Attack of the Ice Clan")
The Fangs[edit | edit source]
The Gorge of Eternal Depth[edit | edit source]
Raven Junkyard[edit | edit source]
Raven Racetrack[edit | edit source]
Gorilla Forest[edit | edit source]
Rhino Quarry[edit | edit source]
Bear Forest[edit | edit source]
The home of the Bear Tribe. Windmills are the only non-organic thing there as the Bears spend their time sleeping on the ground. Following the tribe's capture by the Hunters, the Wolves were interesting in moving in.
Beaver Lodge[edit | edit source]
The home of the Beavers. It is built on a small lake and constructed out of wood. ("The Joy Ride","Trial by Fire")
Wolf Camp[edit | edit source]
Falling Jungle[edit | edit source]
A dense forest where the trees and plants that grow their easily fall over. It is located somewhere between the Lion City and the Crocodile Swamp. During their joyride through Chima, Laval and Eris ended up there after Eris made a wrong turn.
The Great Forest[edit | edit source]
The Grand Archway Canyon[edit | edit source]
A long canyon near the Rhino Quarry. A thin rocky arch is the only way across. Following an attack by the Hunter's on the Lion City, Laval ordered the Beavers to create a fake bridge across that collapsed when the Hunters' Ice Fortress tried to cross it.
Hunters' Ice Fortress[edit | edit source]
A massive fortress built in Sir Fangar's image. The main base and ultimate weapon of the Ice Hunters, it creeps forward atop a massive glacier, freezing everything in its path and spreading the Hunters' influence across Chima. It was surrounded by a wall and guard towers equipped with CHI-powered cannons, and contained a chamber for Sir Fangar to store his frozen "trophies".
The original Ice Fortress was destroyed by Flinx's awakened fire powers after Laval tricked the Ice Hunters into dropping it into the Grand Archway Canyon, forcing Sir Fangar and his forces to retreat back underground. By the time of "The Artifact", the villains were working on rebuilding the fortress in preparation for their next attack on Chima.
The Crescent[edit | edit source]
A small hill where the Phoenix have an outpost to more easily interact with the ground-born. It is guarded by a force field and prevented the Hunters from freezing the area. ("The Call of Cavora","The Crescent")
Outlands[edit | edit source]
Located on the Outscirts of Chima, the Outlands are considered by the tribes to be the most savage and dangerous place in the land. A thick forest of predator plants divides Chima and the Outlands, making entrance into them almost impossible. Shortly after the Great Illumination, the Legend Beasts departed into the Outlands and lived there for thousands of years. For a short time, the exiled Lion Prince Lavertus, lived in the Outlands and the Crawleys made it their main place of residence.
Lavertus' House[edit | edit source]
Seesaw Valley[edit | edit source]
Spider Canyon[edit | edit source]
The main base of the Spiders. The Wolf, Rhino, and Gorilla Legend Beasts and Crominus were temporarily held there. There is a small cave inside the canyon called the "Beauty Hole" where Spinlyn keeps her beauty supplies.
Scorpion Cave[edit | edit source]
References and Sources[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 6.0 6.1
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Longtooth's bio at
- ↑ Laval's bio at
- ↑ Lennox' bio at
- ↑ Leonidas' bio at