Eglor | |||
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[List of appearances] |
Eglor is an eagle Legends of Chima minifigure released in 2013. He is the technical whiz of the Eagle Tribe and makes occasional appearances in Legends of Chima: The Animated Series. Eglor is a playable character in Legends of Chima: Speedorz and Laval's Journey.
Description[edit | edit source]
Eglor is the only non-white Legends of Chima Eagle Tribe minifigure. He has dark blue for the base colour of his legs, torso, and headgear, with black arms and flame yellow hands, and he wears a silver armour piece around his neck with a blue 1x1 round tile on a stud in the center. His toes are printed with golden talon markings, his knees with silver markings, and his belt and upper legs with silver and black. Eglor's helmet is dark blue, and has silver markings on the forehead and a short flame yellow beak on the front. Three blue 'prongs' protrude from the back of his helmet, and two white wings connect to his shoulder armour piece, like with the other Eagle tribe minifigures. Eglor wields a silver spear in the set 70013 Equila's Ultra Striker, and a spiked axe weapon in 70105 Nest Jump. He also has a golden chain weapon with two CHI orbs at each end in 70007 Eglor's Twin Bike.
Background[edit | edit source]
Eglor is a part of the Eagle faction, along with Eris, Ewar, Ewald and Equila, which is allied with the Lion faction and Gorilla faction against the Raven, Wolf, and Crocodile Tribes. He drives a blue Speedor.
Eglor is the Eagles' head weapons specialist, and like most Eagles, is very analytical. While this almost Eglor to make nearly anything into a weapon, he does not have enough time to use it.
While in the midst of a tick-tack-toe game, Eglor was interrupted by Lagravis' call for help and assisted the Lions in defending their City against the Wolves, Crocs, and Ravens. ("The Great Story")
Eglor accompanied Ewald on his way home from the CHI distribution following the battle. While on the main road in the Great Forest, they came upon Gorzan who ordered them to take a detour due to a flower growing in the middle of the road. Later that day, he accompanied Eris to save Laval from the Crocodiles. ("The Warrior Within")
Eglor, Elon, and Ewald manned the Eagle booth in the first Market Day following the Crocodile King and Queen falling into the Gorge of Eternal Depth. ("Market Day")
One day, Eglor was out taking weather measurements when the Wolves launched their attack on the Eagle Spire. He rushed around the place, destroying the Wolves bellow plants before regrouping with Laval and Eris. The two Eagles managed to snag the last two Eagle jets not destroyed by the Wolves and used it to defend the Spire until the Wolves retreated. ("Attack on Eagle Spire")
It was Eglor who first noticed the Hundred Year Moon phenomenon beginning when he was taken astronomical readings one night. He and Eris hurried to the Lion City where they explained to Laval and Lagravis that it would drive the Wolves insane. ("The Hundred Year Moon")
Eglor and the other Eagles answered Lagravis' call for help when the Gorillas attacked the Crocodiles. He flew his eagle jet to the swamp and assisted with towing the Gorilla Mechs off the island that they were trapped on. Upon the Crocodiles' defeat, Eglor celebrated with the Gorillas and Lions.("Gorillas Gone Wild")
At the Speedor race wherein Furty caused mayhem, Eglor found himself arguing with Crawley over whose tribe had cheated when the crowd members turned against each other. ("Foxtrot")
When Laval commissioned the Eagles to fly CHI deliveries due to the Wolves controlling the roads, Eglor flew one of the jets. When they reached the Grand Canyon Archway, he was shot down by Wakz, but survived and managed to regroup with Laval. ("The CHI Jackers")
However, soon windstorms began plaguing Chima and the eagles switched to their ground vehicles. Eglor and Ewald sought out the missing Eris and Laval and found them in the Great Forest with the last remaining bag of CHI. On their way to deliver it, they were ambushed by the Wolves and only managed to escape due to Cragger's forces arriving and challenging the Wolves. ("Balancing Act")
The Wolves were soon defeated, but with the Lion races still not open, Eglor began racing at the Ravens' track. On one such event, he let slip to Razar that private ownership is forbidden amongst the Eagles. This would end up being the Eagles undoing as the Ravens soon arrived at the Spires and began raiding their Library. When they tried escaping with the items, Eglor took to an Eagle jet to stop them. ("Ravens vs Eagles")
Eglor was one of the many Eagles that answered Laval's summon to shoot down the black cloud attacking Mount Cavora. When the falls dried up shortly after, he calculated that Chima would wither and die within two moons from then if the falls were not restored. ("The Black Cloud","Chima Falls")
Not long after the defeat of the Crawlers, Eglor was in the Library when Eris awoke from her first fire dream and fell through the floor. At the following market day, Eglor manned the Eagle booth with Eris and designed a quiet alarm clock that would wake Bears which Eris sold to Bladvic just before having another vision. ("Fire Dreaming")
Ewald and Eglor were in the midst of repairing the broken window of the Library when Eris woke from her second dream of fire. They inquired if she was okay before she raced out to check on Mount Cavora. ("Attack of the Ice Clan")
Eglor provided aerial support with the rest of the Eagles during the tribes' counter attack both in the Canyon and the Falling Jungle. Both times his jet was frozen by the Vultures and he was forced to use the mini-fighter to escape. ("The Call of Cavora")
Soon after the Hunters' fortress was destroyed, Eglor reported to Laval that the Hunters were nowhere to be found above ground. ("The Artifact")
During the Hunters final attack on the Lion City and Mount Cavora, Eglor lead a squadron of Eagle fighters to assist. After the second Illumination, he insisted that Ewald place his book about the curing of the Hunters in the completely ridiculous section. ("The Heart of Cavora") Descriptions[edit | edit source]
This is a description taken from Please do not modify it.
A master of ballistics and primitive rocketry, Eglor is the Eagle's "gadgetbird." If given enough time, Eglor can calculate the exact speed and trajectory needed to launch a pebble halfway across Chima so it completely incapacitates its target. In his feathery claws, the smallest twig can have the explosive impact of a missile. The only problem is: his aeronautical calculations take so long that the battle is usually over by the time he fires his stick-and-stone missiles. Most of the time his "deadly" assault lands on a completely empty battlefield, long since cleared of opponents. He doesn’t have a calculator either, so his equations are scrawled halfway across eagle mountain with chalk. The other Eagles must warily tiptoe around his scribbles lest they erase some of them and cause a miscalculation that makes his missiles radically misfire. That happens more often than the Eagles like to admit.
Appearances[edit | edit source]
TV Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Season 1
- "The Great Story" (Cameo)
- "The Warrior Within"
- "Market Day"
- "Attack on Eagle Spire"
- "The Hundred Year Moon"
- "Foxtrot"
- "The CHI Jackers"
- "Ravens vs Eagles"
- "The Black Cloud" (Cameo)
- "Chima Falls"
- "For Chima!" (Cameo)
- Season 2
- "This May Sting a Bit" (Cameo)
- Season 3
- "Fire Dreaming"
- "Attack of the Ice Clan" (Cameo)
- "The Call of Cavora"
- "The King Thing" (Cameo)
- "The Artifact"
- "The Heart of Cavora"
Mini-Movie Appearances[edit | edit source]
Video Game Appearances[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Eglor is the only dark blue Eagle.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Eglor in the TV series