Lloyd Garmadon

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Master Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
The LEGO Movie

  • Lloyd Garmadon
  • ZX ninja robes
  • Elemental kimono
  • Ultimate Spinjitzu Master
  • Techno robes
  • Stone Warrior armour
  • Jungle robes
  • Tournament Robes
  • DX
  • Deepstone armour
  • Airjitzu robes
  • Robes from Day of the Departed
  • Fusion suit
  • The LEGO Ninjago Movie
  • Ninja robes
  • Spinjitzu Training robes
  • High school
  • Hoodie
  • Blinding Staff
  • Super Bolt
  • Golden Katana
  • Staff
  • Hood
  • Armour
  • Cape
  • Wrap
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Mech Dragon blueprints

2012 - present

[List of appearances]
I am the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master!
―Lloyd in Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon is one of the main protagonists of the Ninjago series, the Green Ninja and Elemental Master Wizard Sorcerer Mage and Magician of Energy Green Power Green Light Power Magic Twilight Balance Friendship Dragon Flame Dragon's Flame Dragon Fire and Dragon's Fire formerly the Golden Ninja and Elemental Master Wizard Sorcerer Mage and Magician of Golden Power Golden Energy Shining and Light. He was first released in 2012, and has had many different variants including his Black Shirt and hood, ZX form, Elemental Robes, Gold Ninja, Techno Robes, Tournament Robes, Zukin and DX form. Lloyd also appeared in a The LEGO Movie set in his ZX suit- the Police Dropship.

Description[edit | edit source]

Lloyd Garmadon

Lloyd has short black legs, and a cape shorter than those that are used on taller minifigures. He has a torso, similar to that of Lord Garmadon's, with a small green 5 in the upper left corner of his torso. Lloyd has yellow hands and carries his father's golden thunder bolt from 2256 Lord Garmadon in 9443 Rattlecopter. He has a turn-around face and is one of the only Ninjago figures to have a turn-around face.

Lloyd ZX

Lloyd ZX has normal green legs with black and silver printings, a green torso with black and silver printings, dark green arms and black hands, black gloves, a green hood with silver visor, titanium metallic armour and some back printing portraying his golden dragon symbol. He has the same head as his earlier version and is one of the few Ninjago figures to have a turn-around head.

Elemental Robes

His Elemental Robes has normal black legs with gold and green printings, a black torso with gold and green printings, green arms and black hands, gold armour and a green hood with gold visor and the same head as his previous two versions.

Ultimate Spinjitzu Master (Golden Ninja)

Lloyd ZX (Ultimate Spinjitzu Master) has golden legs with black and green designs that show his pants and green belt. His torso has similar gold,green, and black printings and his face is different than his other faces. His hood and visor are gold as is his armour. His face is golden with black eyes, and black eyebrows. His arms, hands, and skin are golden.

Techno Robes

Lloyd has a tan hair piece, a Green bandanna that covers his mouth. He has a yellow face with a angry expression. His torso looks like a mix of all 4 of his ninja suits and plain green legs and gold armor. There is also a variation without the shoulder pads.

Techno Robes (Second Variation)

Lloyd's robes are similar to the first Techno Robes variation, but with different torso printing and titanium grey shoulder pads.

2015 robes

In 2015 Lloyd gets two new robes: Jungle, which uses the ZX headpiece with new printing, and the tournament outfit which is very similar to the techno robes, but with leg printing and new a newtorso.

DX Suit

Although Dragon Extreme suits were originally released in 2011 with Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane, Lloyd gets his DX suit in 2014. He has golden shoulder pads and plain green zukin mask. His torso is printed with a golden dragon.

Background[edit | edit source]

Early life[edit | edit source]

Lloyd is the biological son of Garmadon and Misako, the nephew of Sensei Wu the descendant and grandson of The First Spinjitzu Master grandnephew of The Overlord and descendant and great-grandson of Firstbourne and The Omega. As a young child, he was fond of his father and wanted to follow in his villainous footsteps, unaware that Garmadon hoped to the contrary. Once he was old enough, Misako sent him to the Darkley's School for Bad Boys where he spent nearly his whole life, while she set off to learn more about the impending battle between Lloyd and his now banished father knowing he would be the Green Ninja. On his first day at Darkley's, everyone made fun of Lloyd, and Brad Tudabone put fire ants in his bed. After everyone left, Brad took him under his wing and taught him the art of revenge. ("Double Trouble")

One day, he had received a package from his grandmummy when another student named Finn took it from him and turned it into worms. Lloyd was expelled from school that same day because he didn't have the morale to become one of Ninjago's greatest villains. Before he left, he stole a cape and hood from a closet, planning to become an evil overlord by himself.

Release of the Serpentine[edit | edit source]

For his first evil plan, Lloyd journeyed to Jamanakai Village where he threw toy snakes at the residents and demanded their candy. When the Ninja arrived, Lloyd threatened to unleash the Serpentine on them if they didn't surrender, but the unimpressed heroes hung him on a sign, where the irate villagers pelted him with fruit for his trickery.

Eventually, Lloyd escaped, swearing revenge on the Ninja. He ended up wandering into the icy Glacier Barrens, where he stumbled upon a strange tomb. Curious, Lloyd opened the tomb and fell inside, where he met the Hypnobrai, a tribe of real Serpentine. The Hypnobrai General, Slithraa, attempted to hypnotize Lloyd, but the would-be evil mastermind slipped on the icy floor, causing Slithraa to stare at his own reflection in the ice. Thus hypnotized by his own attack, Slithraa accepted Lloyd as his master, and Lloyd immediately ordered the Hypnobrai to Jamanakai Village to take his revenge.

With the Serpentine at his side, Lloyd quickly subjugated the village, stealing all of its candy for himself as the Hypnobrai mesmerized the villagers. When the Ninja returned, Lloyd watched the battle until the Ninja managed to steal Slithraa's staff, prompting him to call a retreat. ("Rise of the Snakes")

Soon after their defeat, Lloyd commanded the Hypnobrai to build him a Treehouse Fortress within Wildwood Forest, planning to use it as a base from where he can conquer the rest of Ninjago. However, the Ninja attacked and began cutting the support ropes, causing it to collapse. Lloyd ordered the Hypnobrai to fight back, but was betrayed by Skales and taken prisoner. The Hypnobrai then raided the Monastery of Spinjitzu and burnt it to the ground, reclaiming their staff in the process.

Back at the Hypnobrai Tomb, Lloyd tried to convince Slithraa to reclaim command of the tribe. However, Skales defied his General's command, challenging him to a Slither Pit for leadership. During the fight, Lloyd noticed the Map of Dens in an ice crevice, and surreptitiously pocketed it while cheering Slithraa on. Unfortunately for Lloyd, Skales' superior fighting skills allowed him to defeat Slithraa and become the new General. With his authority, Skales banished Lloyd from the tomb, forcing the would-be evil overlord to wander Ninjago once again.

He eventually stumbled upon the Ninja enjoying a meal aboard the Destiny's Bounty from a distant dune, where he glared at his enemies before continuing his own journey. ("Home")

Plotting revenge against the Hypnobrai, Lloyd decided to find another Serpentine tribe to ally with. He released the Fangpyre from the Fangpyre Tomb and requested their aid against the Hypnobrai. Although the General, Fangtom, was more than happy to agree, he admitted that they would need to bolster their forces to stand a chance against the Hypnobrai. To this end, the Fangpyre led Lloyd to Ed and Edna's junkyard, where they bit Ed, Edna, and several vehicles.

The next morning, Jay and the other Ninja arrived at the junkyard to visit Jay's parents, only to find the latter slowly transforming into snakes. Lloyd appeared with Fangtom atop a junk pile as the Fangpyre attacked the Ninja, laughing as the heroes were beset by the Fangpyre Wrecking Ball and the Fangpyre Robot. When Sensei Wu attempted to use the Sacred Flute against the Fangpyre, Lloyd used a Serpentine boom box to drown out the melody, brushing off his uncle's demands to turn down the music.

Despite this, the Ninja defeated the Fangpyre forces, prompting Lloyd to call yet another retreat. To his dismay, the Ninja created vehicles of their own from their Golden Weapons, allowing them to catch up to the Rattlecopter and retrieve the Fangpyre Staff to return Jay's parents to normal. When Lloyd led the rest of the Fangpyre against the Destiny's Bounty, the ship took flight and escaped, although not before accidentally dropping the Fangpyre Staff on Fang-Suei's head. ("Snakebit")

With the Fangpyre forces bolstered, Lloyd led the tribe against the Hypnobrai. Unfortunately, he was betrayed by Fangtom after the latter saw his old friend Skales in charge of the Hypnobrai, but he managed to sneak away while the Generals debated over what to do with him. Having overheard Skales' mention of the Anacondrai being the most powerful and fearsome tribe of all, Lloyd sought out the Anacondrai Tomb within the Sea of Sand.

Upon opening the tomb, Lloyd was greeted with a roomful of skeletons. The Anacondrai General, Pythor P. Chumsworth, appeared and explained that his tribemates had starved to death, and he was the last survivor. Although disappointed at the lack of minions, Lloyd asked Pythor to work for him against the other Serpentine, and the latter agreed, due to Lloyd releasing him from the tomb. The villainous duo proceeded to engage in several shenanigans around Ninjago (including stealing candy, trespassing on grass, and other mischief) before Pythor suggested attacking Darkley's as payback for Lloyd's expulsion.

Lloyd and Pythor proceeded to invade the former's former boarding school, holding his former classmates hostage and setting up booby traps for the Ninja. Despite this, the Ninja eventually cornered them on the roof, where Pythor showed his true colors and stole the Map of Dens. Lloyd protested this action, but Pythor mocked his attempt to control the Serpentine before vanishing from sight, leaving Lloyd to be apprehended by the Ninja.

With Lloyd in their captivity, the Ninja planned to give him a severe punishment, only for Sensei Wu to take a different approach: reading a book to Lloyd and welcoming him aboard the Destiny's Bounty. Although the Ninja questioned this course of action at first, they soon realized that Sensei Wu was trying to turn his nephew away from the dark path he had chosen to follow, and Lloyd soon agreed to work with his uncle against the forces of evil. ("Never Trust a Snake")

Ally of the Ninja[edit | edit source]

Several days later, after being dropped off at an arcade by Kai, Lloyd follows a group of Serpentine he saw running into an alley. He follows them all the way to Ouroborus, where Pythor subsequently fights all the other leaders of the Serpentine tribes, which have since been released, into submission to him, the new Snake King. Accidentally giving himself away, Lloyd is captured, and Samurai X makes an attempt to save him. However, she is captured as well. Soon, the Ninja arrive, and manage to save the Samurai, although an attempt to save Lloyd does not succeed. Lloyd is eventually freed in Episode 10, The Green Ninja and is revealed to be the Green Ninja in the same episode.

Several weeks later, the four Ninja are accidentally turned into children by an accidental effect of the Mega Weapon. To become adults again, they must be subjected to the time-changing effects of "Tomorrows's Tea". When Sensei Wu, who possesses the tea, finds the Ninja, they are fighting a resurrected Grundle at a comic book shop. Sensei Wu throws a vial of the tea over the Ninja and the Grundle, quickly aging the Grundle back into bones, and time-accelerating the four Ninja back into adults. Lloyd's age, as well, is accelerated, turning him into a full-grown adult.

Weeks later, at a museum, Sensei Wu runs into Lloyd's mother, Misako. Sensei Wu introduces her to the Ninja, telling Lloyd that finally, he has met his mother. Upon meeting, Misako tells her son that she had her reasons for leaving him alone with his father, but Lloyd refuses to listen, and leaves. Misako finds Lloyd sitting at the edge of the bottomless sinkhole exhibit, about which she states that it is where she unearthed a giant Stone Warrior statue. Misako explains that she abandoned him in order to learn everything about the Green Ninja prophecy, knowing that Lloyd would be the Green Ninja one day. This was in order so that she could figure out a way to stop the prophesied "Final Battle" from occurring between Lloyd and his father.

Suddenly, the Stone Warrior statue comes alive, and rampages through the Museum. The Ninja try to fight it off to, no avail, and they are forced to flee the room and run through the Museum as they try devising a plan to defeat it. They stop inside a large room and close the doors, and as the Stone Warrior begins to break it down Lloyd suddenly comes up with a plan. He tells the Ninja to distract it, as he leaves the room. Then, the Stone Warrior breaks in. Misako decides to help Lloyd by leading the Stone Warrior to Lloyd's location. After she meets up with him, Lloyd manages to trick the Stone Warrior into stepping over some fake floor paneling, revealing the giant sinkhole where it was unearthed. Once the warrior falls, Misako tells Lloyd that she is proud of her son.

Later, the Ninja journey to the Dark Island. Eventually, he joins the other four Ninja in Cole's Earth Driller to travel to a mountain on the island. The Stone Army catches up, so Kai tries out his Fire Mech, and uses it to take them to the Temple of Light. All four Ninja place themselves where their elemental symbols are, with Lloyd in the centre of them. They all receive elemental robes, and fight off the Stone Army.

In "The Last Hope" Garmadon uses a mech to disarm Cole's Earth Driller, and then Lloyd arrives to protect Nya, Misako and the Ninja. He destroys his father's mech, severely injuring him, too. Lloyd attempts to summon the Golden Dragon, to defeat Lord Garmadon, but fails. The Ninja leave the Temple, going to the Celestial Clock, and attempt to find the helmet's perch, to prevent the final battle, but General Kozu grabs it. Cole eventually retrieves it, and gives it to Misako. Unfortunately, they fail to place it on the discovered perch in time. Kozu laughs insanely, while a beam of Dark Matter hits Garmadon's camp. The Stone Army kidnap Nya, as the others fall in the ocean. Lloyd blames himself for this, because he didn't have the courage to summon the Golden Dragon. They walk back to the Bounty, while the Overlord presents his final gift to Lord Garmadon- the Garmatron.

In "Return of the Overlord" Lloyd and the others intend to start the Final Battle and attack the Stone Army base, only to find it empty. They see the Garmatron's tracks and follow them. The group is attacked by Nya, who has been turned evil by Lord Garmadon, and the Ninja buy time for Lloyd, Sensei Wu, and Misako to stop The Overlord and Garmadon. When they get there, they are too late to prevent Ninjago from being infected by darkness, by which the Overlord possess Garmadon and faces off against Lloyd. Although Lloyd puts up a stand, he is left with an injured leg and the Overlord escapes to Ninjago.

In "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master" Lloyd encourages the other Ninja to continue the fight when the others give up. the Falcon guides the ninja back to the Temple of Light, where they discover the Golden Mech, and, as well, Hydro the Ultra Dragon returns to the Ninja. The Ninja return to Ninjago City, where they are attacked by the Stone Army. The Ninja try to draw the Stone Army's fire, but evil Nya destroys the mech. Dareth finds the Helmet of Shadows, and calls off the Stone Army. The Ninja help Lloyd, who was injured in the last fight against the Overlord, but are each turned evil by Dark Matter. In the end, Lloyd challenges the Overlord and finally unlocks his full potential—the essence of Light—and defeats him. This cures Ninjago from darkness, and also purifies Garmadon of his evil. Reunited with his father, Lloyd and the others state that they'll be ready if evil strikes again.

In REBOOTED season, Lloyd became central character again. It turns out that Overlord survived the battle and disguised in Cyrus Borg's new Borg Industries tower as a computer virus. Overlord plans to escape the hard-drive and take Lloyd's golden power to turn himself into The Golden Master, an ancient creature that had powers same as The First Spinjitzu Master. Lloyd, along with his father Garmadon leaves the ninja and goes to hide from Overlord. Together they defeat MechDragon and continue their journey in the mountains where Garmadon teaches his son how to balance his power and become The Second Spinjitzu Master. With his power, Lloyd learns how to move mountains and saves Garmadon when he falls of the mountain creating a giant rock arm. Overlord manages to find Lloyd together with Pythor, who survived after being eaten by The Great Devourer. They use Lloyd's golden power as a beacon.

Meanwhile Lloyd and Garmadon continue travelling through Hiroshi's Labyrinth - a deadly maze which nobody managed to escape from. They discover that deep inside the jungle, there is a waterfall. Nindroids led by Techno Wu (who got corrupted by Overlord's virus) attack them. Garmadon fights Wu while Lloyd uses his power of Creation to create a motorcycle and succesfully repels Nindroids' attack. Suddenly, MechDragon shows up with Wu trying to throw Garmadon into sea. Lloyd tries to stop him with his golden power but Pythor captures him and reveals himself. Overlord captures Lloyd in a power-draining capsule where he slowly starts draining his golden power, and on the other side creating Golden Master's body. He spreads his golden power all around New Ninjago City and powers up his machines once again. The four ninja enter the digiverse to destroy Overlord's virus, and when they do MechDragon loses control and explodes, but Lloyd escapes and survives before it falls into sea. When the ninja find Lloyd, they go to the Temple of Light where Lloyd tries to unlock his golden power again, but instead ninja get their elemental powers back. Pythor captures Kai, and Lloyd and others come to Ouroboros to stop him where they discover he is trying to launch Arcturus ship to the space and get the Golden Weapons back. Lloyd tries to stop Pythor from launching the ship, but Cyrus Borg stops him. He survives, but doesn't prevent the launch and enters the rocket ship along with other ninja.

Arcturus crashes on a comet. Lloyd finds a space truck hidden inside it, which they use to race with Nindroids to stop them from getting away with the Golden Weapons. Alien metal-eating bugs catch them and eat their vehicles leaving them stranded on a comet. Lloyd uses all of his remaining power to defeat the bugs, but unsucessfully. However, he realizes that together, they can use their powers to recreate the space ship and get back to the Earth. They do so, and get back to New Ninjago City which gets turned into a fortress by the Golden Master. Lloyd uses his motorcycle to fight Nindroids and gets his Stone Army armor suit in the Temple of Fortitude. While facing the Golden Master, he gets captured into his web along with everybody else, except Zane who sacrifices his life to save them.

The Tournament of Elements[edit | edit source]

Evading the security lazers

In Return of an Ancient Evil season, Lloyd is again the central character. With Zane gone, the team became fractured and only Lloyd answered Wu's summon to test Borg's security system for the Golden Armour. After he failed to obtain said object, Lloyd sought the other Ninja to rejoin the team but was turned down. However, the other three turned up to Mr. Chen's Noodle House at his request and the green ninja suggested they add a new ninja to replace Zane. His idea was received negatively by the other ninja, but before the topic could be discussed further, Eyezor, Krait and Chope storm in and attack the cashier. The ninja raced over to fight the thugs and pursued them into the back alley where the Ninja found a plate of fortune cookies and a picture of Zane waiting for them. Opening the cookies, the Ninja discovered invitations to Master Chen's tournament of elements. Though at first skeptical, the Ninja decided to accept and Lloyd returned to his father's monastery to pack. ("The Invitation") Lloyd and the other ninja board a mysterious ship with Garmadon. In episode 36, Lloyd and co. find out that they are in a "tournament of elements" made by Master Chen. Lloyd also finds out that there are others with powers, like the ninja. In the first round, everyone has to collect a "jade blade", but one person will not get one. Lloyd finds a jade blade, but Chen's assistant Clouse uses dark magic to stop him. Garmadon stops Clouse, and Lloyd is able to successfully return to the lobby with a jade blade, being met by Jay and some others. Cole and Kai are the last two to advance, and Karlof, the master of metal, is out. At midnight, the ninja meet in Kai's room to search the island for Zane, who apparently rebuilt himself during his memorial. They find out that the tournament isn't about winning, but about Chen stealing everybody's power. After Kai successfully moves on, and Cole lets Jay beat him, Lloyd has to fight Camille, the master of form, in thunderblade, a skating challenge. After barely moving on, Lloyd, Kai, and Jay continue their search. In round 2, the ninja discover that Kai's crush, Skylor is Chen's daughter. Lloyd and Garmadon meet up with Nya, Lloyd becoming the final elemental master in the tournament. Lloyd plans a sneak attack, Nya and Garmadon get captured, and Lloyd meets up with Kai who apparently "escaped". Kai leads Lloyd to Chen, for a final showdown. Lloyd loses, and loses his power. Chen's staff holds every element, but Kai and Skylor betray Chen, take the staff, and smash it. Everybody regains their power. Chen still finds a way to make his army into Anacondrai warriors. The elemental masters, now all on the same side, are stranded on Chen's island. Zane , now titanium, finds an elemental dragon and gets back, along with a formerly captured Kai. Lloyd and co. fly on elemental dragons back to ninjago, and get tricked by the Anacondrai, who have invaded the eastern seaboard. The only way to stop them is for Lloyd to banish Garmadon to the cursed realm. Lloyd jumps off of destiny's bounty, lands an a glider, jumps off, bounces from Anacondrai head to Anacondrai head. After, he uses spinjitzu to kill more Anacondrai, and banishes his father. A new enemy shows up, and mutters the word "Morro".

Possession[edit | edit source]

Lloyd goes to the Museum and meets the Night Watchman. After questioning him, he is dragged into a room where a stolen artifact called "The Allied Armor of Azure" is housed, only for Lloyd to find that the armor is actually being worn by the Watchman, who is possessed at the time. Lloyd avoids his attacks, but the spirit of the Cursed Realm possesses a picture of Chen. Then, he possesses a statue of Skales to trap the unaware Green Ninja, and creates a body out of sand to possess Lloyd. The security guards outside hear Lloyd yell, and an eerie wind starts to blow.

While the rest of the Ninja board the Destiny's Bounty, Kai catches up with Morro's skiff and duels the Master of Wind. Morro overpowers him using the Sword of Sanctuary and prepares to deliver the final blow, but is stopped by Lloyd, who has temporarily regained control of his body. Kai takes the Sword and uses Airjitzu to return to the Bounty.

Skybound[edit | edit source]

Lloyd, to his horror, realizes that in return for his wisdom, he's become as old as Master Wu himself, and everyone loses their grip and falls to the clouds below. Using her final wish, Nya wishes the clouds would become solid, and everyone lands safely, bouncing around. Eventually, the Ninja are cornered by Nadakhan and his pirates, with only two wishes left; Jay's and Lloyd's final wishes.

Using his wisdom, Lloyd tells Jay that his final wish needs to be said from the heart, and wishes for a cutlass, using it to pierce one of the clouds and sending Jay and Nya falling, out of Nadakhan's grip. Lloyd defiantly gloats that Nadakhan can't make any of them wish for it all to go away, prompting the Djinn Genie to force a hesitant Clancee to use one of his wishes and Lloyd and Cole are trapped in Djinn Blade along with other prisoners in order to create a new Djinjago.

The Dark Island Trilogy[edit | edit source]

Day of the Departed/Pythor's Revenge[edit | edit source]

After racing with his teammates to the Ninjago City Museum of History to obtain lanterns for the Day of the Departed celebration, Lloyd went with his mother to the monument of his father to commemorate Garmadon's loss. They were then attacked by Pythor, who was looking to settle their score once and for all using a weapon empowered with the magic of Sensei Yang. Lloyd was hard-pressed to defend both Misako and himself, but was eventually able to draw strength from the memory of his father to fight back. Pythor was forced to retreat, but Misako warned her son that he would undoubtedly return.

Misako was proven right, as Pythor shortly thereafter returned and sought vengeance on the Ninja by stealing a piece of technology entrusted to them by Cyrus Borg.

Hands of Time[edit | edit source]

In The Hands of Time Lloyd and his teammates are helping Dr. Saunders clean up the Ninjago City Museum, with Lloyd feeling that the Ninja are partly to blame due to their conflict with the museum mannequins brought to life by Sensei Yang. During the effort, the ninja come across a massive painting depicting a battle-fictional according to Saunders-between the Elemental Masters and the villainous Hands of Time, which depicts Lloyd's father and Wu leading the charge against the enemy. Finished for the day, the group make their way to the Destiny's Bounty only to find themselves suddenly aboard, time having skipped forward a full minute. Analyzing the disturbance, Zane pinpoints the source as Sensei Wu's ruined monastery, which Lloyd recalls Wu had said he was going to in order to settle an old battle. The six ninja then travel to the monastery and are confronted by Acronix, one of the supposedly mythical Hands of Time, and engage in a battle that seemingly ends in his demise.

The Hatching finds the Ninja questioning a weary Wu about his attacker, and he shares with them that the Hands of Time were Elemental Masters who betrayed their comrades after the Serpentine Wars, forcing Wu and Garmadon to drain their powers using the Time Blades. The Hands of Time and the blades were then thought lost to time, though Wu saw a vision that indicated when Acronix would return. Thinking the matter settled with Acronix's apparent destruction and that of the Fast Forward Time Blade, the ninja turn their attention to unpacking their supplies into their new home, only to receive an alert of trouble at the launch of Cyrus Borg's latest product. The ninja soon find themselves locked in battle with the evil Vermillion warriors, whom they are only able to defeat after Nya and Jay combine their powers to drive them away. However, their victory is fruitless, as they find Zane knocked offline and Cyrus Borg missing after the Nindroid attempted to get the inventor to safety.

A Line in the Sand finds the Ninja-minus Jay-facing the Vermillion at Mega Monster Amusement Park, only for the battle to be broken off when another Time Blade returns to Ninjago. The Ninja and snakes race to retrieve the weapon, and it eventually ends up in the possession of the Ninja, who make their escape. The Attack finds the Ninja overconfident due to their success, and even Lloyd falls into the trap, flying his Elemental Dragon into battle despite his awareness that fear could cause it to vanish. It does, but he is saved by the new Samurai X, and then joins his teammates in battling the Time Twins, through which they obtain the Fast Forward Blade as well. Unfortunately, General Machia then captures both blades, and she and the Time Twins then depart with a helpless Wu in tow.

Determined to make up for their failure, Lloyd and the other Ninja set out in Secrets Discovered, with Lloyd and Zane boarding Lloyd's new Destiny's Shadow vehicle after learning that Wu is rapidly aging due to his battle with Acronix. Accompanied by Jay and Cole on other vehicles, they make their way to the museum and discover a secret lab of Krux's with an entrance leading out into the city sewer system. Making their way through, they run into a group of Serpentine led by Skales and Skales Jr., who inform them that the Vermillion are the offspring of The Great Devourer and then pointing them in the direction of the swamp where the creatures are incubated. Reunited briefly with Kai and Nya in Pause and Effect, the team separates again for various missions, with Lloyd going after the captured Wu. Despite his best efforts, he is unable to retrieve him from the care of Commander Blunck and Commander Raggmunk.

Determined to make up for their failure, Lloyd and the other Ninja set out in Secrets Discovered, with Lloyd and Zane boarding Lloyd's new Destiny's Shadow vehicle after learning that Wu is rapidly aging due to his battle with Acronix. Accompanied by Jay and Cole on other vehicles, they make their way to the museum and discover a secret lab of Krux's with an entrance leading out into the city sewer system. Making their way through, they run into a group of Serpentine led by Skales and Skales Jr., who inform them that the Vermillion are the offspring of The Great Devourer and then pointing them in the direction of the swamp where the creatures are incubated. Reunited briefly with Kai and Nya in Pause and Effect, the team separates again for various missions, with Lloyd going after the captured Wu. Despite his best efforts, he is unable to retrieve him from the care of Commander Blunck and Commander Raggmunk.

In Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea, Lloyd links up with the others-minus Kai and Nya-and rescues various citizens of Ninjago captured for slave labor by the Vermillion, and then head back into the swamp to rescue Cyrus Borg. Then then learn that the Time Twins have created the Iron Doom, a monstrous vehicle designed by Kai's father Ray, equipped with a time travel mechanism created by Borg under duress, and which requires the power of all four Time Blades to travel through time. Together with the new Samurai X, the four Ninja attempt to hold of the Vermillion and give Borg and Zane the chance to activate a self-destruct feature he built into his device, but fail to stop the Time Twins. The actions of the villains briefly cause Ninjago's history to be altered, but Kai, Nya, and a restored Wu's actions in the past restore the timeline. Kai and Nya are then returned to the present with the Reversal Time Blade while Wu is lost in time with his foes, prompting the Ninja to recognize Lloyd as their new leader and set their sights on finding Wu.

Sons of Garmadon[edit | edit source]

In "The Mask of Deception" Lloyd appears at Borg Tower to stop a group of thieves who are stealing an ancient mask. After handily defeating most of the group, he pursues their leader but fails to capture him. After seeing the thief escaping with a parachute decorated with the image of Lord Garmadon, Lloyd asks P.I.X.A.L. to contact the other Ninja so that the team can reunite. The group are soon reunited and contacted by the Royal Family of Ninjago, with Princess Harumi quickly catching Lloyd's eye. As the Ninja are patrolling the Royal Palace, Lloyd finds Harumi's room empty and the princess missing.

In "The Jade Princess", Lloyd pursues what he believes is a thief or kidnapper but turns out to be Princess Harumi herself, going out to help some of the less fortunate in Ninjago City. The two spend time together, sharing thoughts and observing the cruelty of the Sons of Garmadon before being found by Hutchins, who orders Lloyd to stay away from the princess. His sentiment is shared by her adopted parents, while the other Ninja encourage Lloyd in his interest. When the palace is attacked by the Sons of Garmadon, Lloyd escapes with Harumi and the Oni Mask of Deception, but ends up losing the latter to Ultra Violet.

In "The Oni and the Dragon", the Ninja welcome Harumi aboard the Destiny's Bounty 3.0 before heading to see Mystake to get her help. While Cole and Zane depart with her Truth Tea to interrogate Luke Cunningham, Lloyd remains behind with Jay to question the old woman. Mystake shares with Lloyd the story of the First Realm, home of the Dragons and Oni demons and birthplace of the First Spinjitzu Master. She then reveals that the three Oni masks, if brought together, will be able to bring back his father Garmadon, but in a darkened form with none of his former goodness. Lloyd then joins the other Ninja in going after the Sons of Garmadon, but at Zane's urging they allow the villains to escape in order to find out what they're planning.

Harumi is eventually revealed to be the leader of the Sons of Garmadon, embittered against the Ninja and Lloyd in particular due to the Great Devourer's role in the deaths of her birth parents but it was Pythor was responsible for unleashing the Great Devourer. The evil Garmadon is eventually summoned, and after defeating Lloyd proclaims himself Emperor Garmadon, ruling over Ninjago City with an iron fist and his mighty Colossi.

Hunted[edit | edit source]

In season nine Lloyd is part of a resistance force against Emperor Garmadon and his minions while Wu and the original four ninja are trapped in the First Realm. Their return enables Lloyd and his fellows to defeat Garmadon and liberate Ninjago. However, Garmadon warns of a coming menace that will destroy Ninjago.

March of the Oni[edit | edit source]

In "The Darkness Comes, Lloyd is summoned to Kryptarium Prison by Garmadon, who repeats his warning of an approaching evil and urges Lloyd to release him. Lloyd refuses, but as he leaves Garmadon is confident he will return. Garmadon proves prophetic, as the Firstbourne and Faith appear from the First Realm just prior to the Oni invding Ninjago City. After narrowly saving several civilians and Cole from the encroaching darkness, Lloyd leads the other Ninjag back to Kryptarium and releases Garmadon.

In "Into the Breach", Lloyd is forced to confront his father's incomplete memories and arrogant bearing. When Garmadon insists that the Oni can be stopped only by destroying the Realm Crystal, Lloyd insists on accompanying him despite Garmadon's doubts that he can survive the dark cloud. The two enter Ninjago City and Lloyd proves able to breath, though he is distraught to find the populace petrified including Cyrus Borg. The two then engage a pair of Oni in battle, during which Garmadon saves Lloyd but frustrates him with his unfeeling attitude. Upon reaching the Realm Crystal, the pair are confronted by the Omega, leader of the Oni.

In "The Fall", Lloyd succeeds in shattering the Realm Crystal with the Sword of Sanctuary, but the Oni have already opened their portal and can't be stopped. As the two are pursued by Oni, the find the armor of the Golden Master, which repels the monsters. The two are then saved by P.I.X.A.L. and brought back aboard the Bounty, only to learn that Cole has apparently been lost.

In "Endings", the Ninja return to the Monastery of Spinjitzu, where Kai melts down the Golden Armor and reforges the Golden Weapons. Entrusting the rescued people of Ninjago to his mother Misako, Lloyd joins the other Ninja, Garmadon, Wu, and Faith in facing the Oni army. They are joined by Cole, who proves to be alive, but are forced back by the Oni. Lloyd is inspired to perform the Tornado of Creation, and the six Ninja, Wu, and Garmadon employ it. Lloyd then finds himself in the presence of the First Spinjitzu Master, who honors his actions and offers him the chance to join him. Lloyd chooses to return to Ninjago instead, to the joy of his friends who believed him dead; he then joins his fellow Ninja in commemorating their victory in the monastery mural.

Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu[edit | edit source]

Some months after the battle with the Oni, Lloyd and the other Ninja had become rather complacent, neglecting their training due to not perceiving any threat to Ninjago's peace. Eventually, Wu becomes fed up with this state of affairs, and begins tormenting the Ninja with various traps and his lightning chicken. After losing to Wu in a six-on-one battle, the Ninja realize they need to do something, and decide to go on a quest. Lloyd approaches Wu for advice, but only incurs further annoyance from his master.

The Ninja briefly discuss the matter, noting that their various foes are all in prison, deceased, or missing; the latter category includes Lloyd's father, leading to an awkward moment. After briefly attempting to help out the Ninjago City Police, they learn of a mysterious pyramid recently uncovered by Clutch Powers, and decide to offer him their services in exploring the structure. After a harrowing journey through the Desert of Doom, they arrive at the pyramid and join Clutch in venturing into its depths. Unfortunately, they inadvertently release Aspheera, an ancient Serpentine sorceress long ago imprisoned within the tomb.

Aspheera traps the Ninja and makes her way to Ninjago City, but Lloyd and the others are eventually able to escape and follow her there. Learning that she is after one of the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu, the group heads to the Ninjago City Museum to beat her to it but fail to prevent her from obtaining it and making her escape. Lloyd leads Nya and Zane in attempting to regain the artifact, but they are unable to do so. Fortunately, the rest of the team learns of the existence of a second scroll, and Lloyd's group is able to learn from Clutch Powers that it is being kept at the Explorer's Club.

Lloyd and the others are forced to break into the club to recover the scroll, and end up encountering a number of hazards, including a mirror that reflects the worst fears of those who look into it (with Lloyd seeing himself becoming like Lord Garmadon). The trio then head to the Monastery of Spinjitzu in order to help their friends confront Aspheera. During the trip, Lloyd becomes uncharacteristically aggressive while holding the scroll, and decides to only handle it during the fight with Aspheera. In the fight, Lloyd and several of the others wield the scroll against Aspheera, but it is Zane who ultimately manages to freeze her and her army. Sadly, Aspheera manages to hit Zane with a blast that seemingly destroys him; ultimately, however, the Ninja learn that it teleported him to the Never-Realm.

When Wu insists on going after Zane alone, Lloyd and the others decide to steal his Traveler's Tea and make their own way their. Wu takes up the scroll recovered from Aspheera and attacks his students, but despite his power boost and Zane's absence they are able to win the rematch. The group then travels to the Never-Realm, Pixal using the scroll to transport them aboard the Land Bounty without realizing that the Traveler's Tea they took with them doesn't have the ability to bring them home. Unaware of this, Lloyd and the others arrive in the Never-Realm and soon befriend the Ice Fishers of Great Lake.

After the village is attacked by the Blizzard Samurai, Lloyd sets off alone to the castle of the Ice Emperor, where he believes Zane has been imprisoned. Along the way, he passes through the pass known as Wojira's Wrath and triggers an avalanche to stop several samurai attempting to harm him. He is saved from the snow by a mysterious wolf, who then joins him as he continues his trek. After finding the crashed Land Bounty, Lloyd picks up a signal from the Titan Mech that had been sent to the Never-Realm shortly before Zane, and sets out to find it.

Lloyd and his wolf companion find the mech after being attacked by a massive raptor, and Lloyd finds a recording left by Zane. Lloyd completes the repair work Zane began on the mech and uses it to continue his journey towards the Ice Emperor's palace. Along the way, he continues to relate his history to the wolf, whom he has dubbed "Red", not noticing the animal's obvious displeasure. The pair are then attacked by a giant made out of Dark Ice, and Red is injured in the process of defeating it.

Lloyd bandages Red's wounded leg and settles in for the night, only to awaken the next morning to find that the wolf has changed into a young woman named Akita. He learns that she is one of the Formlings and is initially angered by the fact that she concealed her true identity from him. Akita proves to be just as temperamental, and after seeing her continue to struggle with the injury she sustained saving his life, Lloyd lets go of his bad temper and agrees that they can continue traveling together. He listens to the story of how she lost her people, including her brother Kataru, to the Ice Emperor and his wicked general, Vex. Lloyd attempts to convince Akita that they have the same goal, but Akita disagrees and asserts that she only wants revenge.

Growing closer to Akita, Lloyd invites her to join the Ninja in returning home once they finish their mission. The pair are then attacked by Boreal, the Emperor's dragon, who destroys Lloyd's mech and carries him captive to the castle. Once there, he is brought before the Emperor, and discovers to his astonishment that the tyrant is none other than an amnesiac Zane. After failing to jog his friend's memory or convince him to lay aside the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu he brought with him to the Never-Realm, Lloyd is thrown into prison and meets Kataru. The pair are soon freed by Grimfax, the castle's former ruler, in the hopes that together they can stop Vex and bring Zane back to his senses.

Their escape is soon discovered by Vex, and Grimfax urges Lloyd to confront the Emperor while he and Kataru battle the Blizzard Samurai. Lloyd is forced to reason with both Zane and Akita, but ends up being defeated and trapped from the neck down in dark ice. As Vex is about to finish him off, however, he inadvertently jogs Zane's memory, and Zane reverses the effects of his corrupted elemental powers on the Never-Realm and its people. With help from the Ice Fisher elder Sorla, the Ninja are then able to open a portal home to Ninjago. Lloyd bids farewell to Akita, and is surprised when she kisses him on the cheek. After he departs for home, Akita is visibly saddened, but remains hopeful that the two of them will meet again someday.

Prime Empire[edit | edit source]

The Ninja are soon caught up in another adventure when the Mechanic attempts to steal a powerful motherboard from a warehouse. The board ends up converting arcade games across the city into Prime Empire, a mysterious video game that was supposedly abandoned years ago by the designer Milton Dyer. After Jay and various other citizens are drawn into the world of the game, Lloyd and the others attempt to locate Dyer, and after learning of the cancellation of Prime Empire come to the conclusion that Dyer is the mysterious "Unagami" responsible for hiring the Mechanic. They thus decide to enter the game in order to rescue Jay and the other captives and thwart Unagami's plans, leaving Zane and Pixal behind for their own safety.

Upon arriving in Prime Empire, Lloyd and the others are unpleasantly surprised to learn that their normal powers don't work in the video game world, and only manage to escape Unagami's forces with help from the League of Jay and Scott. They eventually set out to obtain the Keytanas, three weapons that will enable them to access Unagami's inner sanctum. Making their way to Terra Kerana, one of the game worlds, they manage to acquire the first blade with the help of the samurai Okino. In the process, they make Okino aware that he is a video game character, but also help him to act beyond his programming out of friendship for them.

Inspired by this success, Lloyd approaches another NPC, Racer Seven, for help in obtaining the next Keytana in The Speedway Five-Billion. He is able to convince her to help them, and the Ninja are able to win the race and obtain the Keytana, though Scott, Cole, and Kai all lose their final lives in the process. Lloyd, Nya, and Jay make their way into Terra Domia, where they must make their way through a classic side-scrolling level in order to reach the final Keytana. Each of them is left with a single life as a result, and Lloyd volunteers to take on the challenge needed to obtain the third Keytana.

To his shock, Lloyd finds himself confronted by a virtual copy of Harumi, who alternates between trying to convince him that she regrets her previous betrayals and savagely attacking him. Eventually, Lloyd thinks to question her about their first adventure together; when she gives incorrect answers to his questions, Lloyd realizes she's a fake. He is thus able to strike the blow necessary to destroy her but loses his own last life in the process. Fortunately, he and the other Ninjago citizens are restored and returned to Ninjago City after Jay succeeds in helping Unagami, who is revealed to be the game's sentient programming, make peace with his creator, Milton Dyer.

Master of the Mountain[edit | edit source]

Lloyd and the other Ninja travel to the kingdom of Shintaro after being invited by King Vangelis. Upon arriving, however, Lloyd becomes unreasonably suspicious of Vangelis' daughter Princess Vania, and warns Cole not to trust her. Cole quickly guesses that Lloyd is letting his experiences with Harumi influence his opinion of their new acquaintance, though Lloyd denies this.

The Island[edit | edit source]

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

Lloyd and the other Ninja travel to the Island of the Keepers after Misako and Wu go missing on an expedition with Clutch Powers. Upon arriving on the island, they encounter Zippy and the Stone Golems, before Lloyd's friends are captured by the Keepers. He is eventually able to find and free his friends, but they are all taken captive again shortly after.

Eventually, the Ninja discover that the Keepers are being extorted by Ronin and a gang of criminals, who have created a mock-up of the sea monster and sea serpent Wojira as part of their plot. After stopping the criminals, Lloyd grimly questions whether the real Wojira might one day awaken.


After an attempt to capture smuggler Miss Demeanor goes awry due to Nya's powers going out of control, the Ninja eventually learn that a strange energy pulse from the depths of the sea is disrupting her abilities. Lloyd joins the crew of the Hydro Bounty, a submarine that sets out to investigate the mysterious signal. Joined by Pixal and Maya, Kai and Nya's mother, while Cole and Kai remain at the monastery with Wu and Ray, the group end up being attacking by a sea creature. Lloyd remains aboard the stranded Bounty while Nya and Maya go looking for the energy source.

Once the Bounty is seaworthy again, Lloyd and the others come to Nya and Maya's aid against several Ripper Sharks. Taken into custody by the Merlopians, they are brought before King Trimaar and inform him that his son Prince Kalmaar is attempting to awaken Wojira. However, after being confronted with his treachery, Kalmaar mortally wounds Trimaar and then blames the Ninja for the attack, forcing them to flee. With the aid of Trimaar's adopted son Prince Benthomaar, they manage to escape the city and head for the Island of the Keepers to insure that the Storm Amulet does not fall into Kalmaar's clutches.

Lloyd's party eventually discovers that the amulet on the island is a fake and realize that the real one has been stolen by Clutch Powers. After being stranded by Kalmaar, they alert the rest of the team to these developments and are able to make their way back to Ninjago after Nya calls upon several whales. Despite their best efforts, Kalmaar is able to escape with the Storm Amulet and awaken Wojira, and soon leads an attack on Ninjago City. Lloyd fights against the invaders using an aquatic mech, but it is ultimately Nya who defeats Wojira by merging with the sea. After she departs, Lloyd joins his fellow Ninja, Pixal, and Wu in holding a memorial service at the monastery, which is attended by citizens from across Ninjago.


Spoilers end here.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • In 9450 Epic Dragon Battle, he is depicted with normal minifigure legs, though during the corresponding events in the TV series, he still has short legs.
  • Lloyd ZX is the only ninja to have his armour in the titanium metallic color.
  • He is also the only ninja not to be released in any 2011 sets.
  • According to his Character Card, Lloyd's dominant element was lightning before he became the Green Ninja.
  • While in the physical sets his Ultimate Spinjitzu Master variation headpiece is gold, in the show, it remains yellow.
  • In The LEGO Movie, he is a Master Builder.
  • In The LEGO Movie, he is shown in his green outfit instead of his exclusive elemental robe, gold robe, or his techno robe.
  • Lloyd is the only ninja to appear in more than one 2013 set.
  • He and Zane appear the most in the 2014 sets.
  • He talks in 'Enter The Ninjago' but not in the actual movie.
  • His shoulder armor in his first Techno-Robe variant is gold, but in the second variant his armor is silver. This is due to being nearly drained of his golden power by the Overlord and giving up the rest to the Instrument of Peace.
  • He is the ninja with the highest known number of relatives (Wu, Garmadon, Misako, The First Spinjitzu Master)
  • Ever since the finale of the Rebooted season, Lloyd has generally taken the role of the leader among the ninja; previously it was Cole who was the leader.
  • Lloyd also has the Sword of Sanctuary, a weapon he got from season five.

Blog on LEGO.com[edit | edit source]

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from http://club.lego.com/en-US/Default.aspx. Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page) Today was almost the best day of my life. I was eating breakfast when a package came from my grand-mommy and it was filled with bright, sticky candy! At my boarding school for bad boys it’s REALLY, REALLY hard to get any candy or fun toys because they’re always busy teaching us how to pull tricks and take over the world and stuff. I was about to smush my face full of candy when that bully Finn saw me and his face had a big smirk on it. He got up from his seat at the next table over and grabbed the candy away, using his powers to turn it into crawly bugs and worms. Disgusting! I yelled, “HEYYY, MY CANDY!” He laughed, looking around at his friends, and then he pointed to his t-shirt that read “Evil Geniuses Don’t Cry.” Everyone was laughing. I had to get out of there before he decided to stick me in the trash bin again.

I hid in an empty classroom and thought of a plan. What was the word for that called? I have to try and remember all the words from my Villain Vocabulary List. Plotted, that’s right. So I sat there and I plotted. I was going to leave Darkley’s Boarding School for Bad Boys and never come back, AND I was going to get more candy. Everyone knows the first rule of any mission is to dress really scary, so I picked the lock on the teacher’s closet and found an extra cape and a black helmet to wear. There were also some stuff the teachers took away from us, like a rubber band, rubber snakes, and a soccer ball. Rubber snakes! That was it! They looked just like Serpentine. HISS!

The best candy store is in Jamanakai Village, so of course I snagged a wheelbarrow and loaded it up. I got lollipops, gooey taffy, sugar straws, EVERYTHING! I threw the snakes at the villagers watching me. People hid and were scared. This is great, I thought, I’m going to have all the candy in Jamanakai and get a SUGARRRR HIGH! What would Finn think now, huh? Then those stupid Ninja had to show up, saying the snakes were fakes. They yelled at me for stealing. Before I knew it, people were throwing rotten vegetables at me, and those Ninja tied me up to a sign. This was just like Finn all over again. I felt a single tear fall on my cheek, but then I thought that Finn might be right about one thing – evil geniuses don’t cry! I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon and future ruler of the world!

I wandered through the Glacier Barrens to hide/plot. I was going to let those Ninjas see who they were dealing with. My luck turned around when I found this hatch that said Hypnobrai Serpentine on it with pictures of a snake using mind control. I was shocked…this looked like the real thing. I thought it was only a myth! I opened the door, and BOOM, fell down the hole. It looked like a snowy trap, and I could see millions of myself reflected in the ice. Just as I was thinking that I looked pretty scary, I saw a stranger – except he was just a frozen warrior dude, all bones. I started to shake. I wondered what happened down here... I’d rather be tied up by the Ninjas than end up frozen like him. All of a sudden I heard a rattling, and a bunch of TALKING SNAKES came out of nowhere! The leader tried to do a swirly thing with his eyes to control my mind, but I used my genius skills to move out of the way and deflect his stare, which bounced back at him. He was under mind control! I could make him and his army do anything I wanted! MUHAHAHA!

Description from LEGO.com[edit | edit source]

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from LEGO.com. Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page) Sugar-high, sinister, spirited.

As the only son of Lord Garmadon and future dark ruler, Lloyd has some big shoes to fill. It's not easy being bad, and he works tirelessly to become the super villain he is destined to be.

Lloyd ran away from the Boarding School for Bad Boys (Or maybe he was, in fact, kicked out because lacked the morale and ambition to become the next great villain master mind of tomorrow?), and he searches high and especially low for henchmen who will help him live up to his reputation and his dad's expectations. But sometimes even the toughest bad guy's only option is to retreeeeaaaat!

The LEGO Ninjago Movie

Lloyd Garmadon

It wasn't hard enough secretly being the Green Ninja, Lloyd must deal with life in NINJAGO as the infamous son of Garmadon, the worst warlord ever.

Green Ninja

The Green Ninja. The chosen one, honor bound and sworn to protect NINJAGO - even when it's from his own father Garmadon.

Gallery of variants[edit | edit source]

Lloyd garmadon.jpg
Lego Ninjago - Copy.png
S99067 1.jpg
70617-Lloyd Garmadon.png
70620-Lloyd Garmadon.png
Lloyd CMF.jpg
Lloyd GarmadonZXElemental RobesUltimate Spinjitzu MasterTechno RobesTechno Robes, zukinTechno ArmourJungleTournament robesDXDeepstoneAirjitzu GiHonour RobesAirjitzuFusionThe LEGO Ninjago MovieGreen Ninja CMF
No zukin
Training robes
Costume transition
High school
High school CMF
Sons of GarmadonSpinjitzu MasterKendo GiLegacy/March of the OniFS

Gallery of TV Series/Movie variants[edit | edit source]

Lloyd Airjitzu.png
Lloyd Undercover.png
Lloyd Pirate.png
Lloyd Old.png
Lloyd Honour.png
Lloyd Swamp.png
Lloyd Vermillion.png
ChildSnake DisguiseGreen Ninja (Child)Green NinjaElemental RobesGolden NinjaTechnoTechno ArmourSpace suitTournament RobesCultist DisguiseJungleTea ShopDeepstoneCasualSenseiAirjitzuUndercoverPirateOldHonourSwampVermillion DisguiseLloyd Green
(blooper reel)
The LEGO Ninjago MovieSons of Garmadon

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Gold Ninja
Elemental robes
Techno robes
Stone Warrior armour
Tournament robes
Jungle robes
Deepstone armour
Skybound ninja robes
Honour Robes
Swamp Robes
Sons of Garmadon
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu
Spinjitzu Master

Kendo Gi

The LEGO Ninjago Movie
High school outfit
Legacy 2
Prime Empire
Master of the Mountain
The Island
Virtues of Spinjitzu

Key chains[edit | edit source]

Video games[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]

  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6
  • Season 8
  • Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
  • Prime Empire Shorts
  • Season 12
  • Season 13
  • The Island
  • Season 14
  • Virtues of Spinjitzu
  • Season 15

Film[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The LEGO Movie[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit Ninjago minifigures
Ninja team: Cole | Jay | Kai | Lloyd Garmadon | Nya | Sensei Garmadon | Wu | Zane
Skulkin: Samukai | Kruncha | Nuckal | Wyplash | Krazi | Frakjaw | Bonezai | Chopov
Serpentine: Anacondrai: Arcturus | Pythor P. Chumsworth
Hypnobrai: Skales | Slithraa | Mezmo | Rattla | Skales Jr. | Selma |
Fangpyre: Fangtom | Fangdam | Fang-Suei | Snappa
Constrictai: Skalidor | Bytar | Chokun | Snike
Venomari: Acidicus | Lizaru | Spitta | Lasha
Other: Snake villain | The Great Devourer
Stone Army: The Overlord | General Kozu | Stone Swordsman | Stone Warrior | Stone Scout | Giant Stone Warrior
Nindroid army: OverBorg | General Cryptor | Min-Droid | Nindroid Drone | Nindroid Warrior
Chen's henchmen: Chen | Clouse | Zugu | Eyezor | Chope | Krait | Kapau | Sleven
Ghost Ninja: Attila | Bansha | Cowler | Cyrus | Evil Green Ninja | Ghoultar | Ghurka | Hackler | Howla | Ming | Morro | Pitch | Pyrrhus | Soul Archer | Spyder | Skreemer | Wail | Wooo | Wrayth | Yokai | The Preeminent
Sky Pirates: Bucko | Clancee | Cyren | Dogshank | Doubloon | Flintlocke | Monkey Wretch | Nadakhan | Sqiffy
Vermillion: Krux | Acronix | General Machia | Commander Raggmunk | Commander Blunck | Rivett | Slackjaw | Tannin | Vermin
Sons of Garmadon: Harumi | Mr. E | Ultra Violet | Killow | Luke Cunningham | Chopper Maroon | Nails | Skip Vicious
Dragon Hunters: Iron Baron | Heavy Metal | Jet Jack | Daddy No Legs | Muzzle | Arkade | Chew Toy | Skullbreaker
Ninja allies: Cyrus Borg | Dr. Julien | Dareth | Echo Zane | Ed Walker | Edna Walker | Lou | Misako | Nelson | Ninja Robot | P.I.X.A.L. | Sensei Wu's dog | Falcon | Ronin | Tai-D | Hutchins | Mysterious baby
Elemental Masters: Ash | Bolobo | Chamille | Gravis | Griffin Turner | Invizable | Jacob | Karlof | Maya | Neuro | Ray | Shade | Skylor | Toxikita
Creatures: Golden Dragon | Grundal | Leviathan | Mud Monster | Starteeth | Treehorn | Treehorn Queen | Nimbus
Other: Captain Soto | Captain Soto's Crew | First Mate | Carridi | Nobu | Karate Kid | Kirchonn The Invincible | Cardinsto | Barracudox | Time Ninja | Gahrann the Dreamer | Cragling | Bank Owner | Brad Tudabone | Gene | Fenwick | Claire | Postman | Jesper | Gorgon | Rogue | Sensei Yang | Chris | Martin | Emperor of Ninjago | Empress of Ninjago | List of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu Characters
Note: indicates a character that only appears in media besides the sets
view · talk · edit The LEGO Movie minifigures
Fellowship of Strangers: Batman | Benny | Emmet | MetalBeard | Unikitty | Vitruvius | Wyldstyle
Octan: Bad Cop/Good Cop | Deputron | Lord Business | Micro Manager | Robo Crocodile | Robo SWAT | Robot Fed | Sheriff Not-a-robot | Skeletron
Others: Alfie the Apprentice | Blacktron Fan | Blaze Firefighter | Cardio Carrie | Dr. McScrubs | Executive Ellen | Fabu-Fan | Frank the Foreman | Gallant Guard | Garbage Man Dan | Garbage Man Grant | Gordon Zola | Hank Haystack | Ice Cream Jo | Ice Cream Mike | Kebab Bob | Ma Cop | Pa Cop | Plumber Joe | Rootbeer Belle | Sharon Shoehorn | Sir Stackabrick | Snail | Sudds Backwash
Collectable Minifigures: Abraham Lincoln | Candy Rapper | Calamity Drone | Gail the Construction Worker | Giraffe Guy | Larry the Barista | Marsha Queen of the Mermaids | Mrs. Scratchen-Post | Panda Guy | Taco Tuesday Man | Velma Staplebot | Wiley Fusebot | "Where are my Pants?" Guy | William Shakespeare
Master Builders: The Flash | Green Lantern | Superman | Circus Clown | Deep Sea Diver | Egyptian Queen | Forestman | Gandalf | Hazmat Guy | Lady Liberty | Lizard Man | Magician | Milhouse | Policeman | Professor Dumbledore | Punk Rocker | Ringmaster | Surgeon | Tribal Chief | Vampire | Yeti | El Macho Wrestler | Michelangelo (Artist) | Red Classic Spaceman | Traffic Enforcer | Ghost | The Green Ninja | Johnny Thunder | Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) | NBA All-Star One | NBA All-Star Two (Basketball) | Shaquille O'Neal (Basketball) | Swamp Creature | White Classic Spacemen | Wonder Woman
Video Game Only: Old Ollie | Wild Will
view · talk · edit Dimensions figures
Heroes: Abby Yates | ACU | Aquaman | B.A. Baracus | Bad Cop | Bart Simpson | Batgirl | Batman | Beast Boy | Benny | Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Chase McCain | Chell | Cole | Cragger | Cyborg | Doc Brown | The Doctor | E.T. | Egon Spengler | Emmet | Erin Gilbert | Eris | Ethan Hunt | Finn the Human | Gamer Kid | Gandalf | Gimli | Gizmo | Green Arrow | Harry Potter | Hermione Granger | Homer Simpson | Jake the Dog | Jay Walker | Jillian Holtzmann | Kai | Krusty the Clown | K9 | Laval | Legolas | Lloyd Garmadon | Lumpy Space Princess | Marceline | Marty McFly | Michael Knight | Newt Scamander | Nya | Owen Grady | Patty Tolan | Peter Venkman | Raven | Ray Stantz | Robin | Scooby-Doo | Sensei Wu | Shaggy Rogers | Sloth | Sonic | Supergirl | Superman | Tina Goldstein | Uni-Kitty | Winston Zeddemore | Wonder Woman | Wyldstyle | X-PO | Zane
Villains: Bane | Cyberman | Dalek | Gollum | Harley Quinn | Lord Voldemort | Shelob | Slimer | Stay Puft | Stripe | The Joker | Wicked Witch of the West | Winged Monkey
Non-playable: Atlas | Aragorn | Auntie Em | Auton | Balrog | Boromir | Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen | Cave Johnson | Cave Troll | Charlie the Funderland Robot | Chen | Clara Oswald | Cyber-Controller | Dada-Doo | Dalek Emperor | Dana Barrett | Daphne Blake | Davros | Dorothy Gale | Einstein | Fred Jones | Frodo | General Zod | GLaDOS | Griff Tannen | Griffin Turner | HAL 9000 | Jack Harkness | Jeremy Freedman | Jimmy Olsen | Krait | LexBot | Lex Luthor | The Lion | Lisa Simpson | Lord Business | Lorraine Baines | Madame Vastra | Maggie Simpson | Marge Simpson | Marlene McFly | Marty McFly Jr. | Mayor Quimby | Metalbeard | Merry | Micro Manager | Missy | Montgomery Burns | Mumsy-Doo | Munchkin | Munchkin Mayor | Orc | P-Body | The Riddler | Robo SWAT | Rusty the Friendly Dalek | Samwise Gamgee | Saruman | Sauron | The Scarecrow | Seamus McFly | Special Weapons Dalek | Silence | Talking Tree | The Tin Man | Toto | Two-Face | Velma Dinkley | Weeping Angel | Wheatley | Winkie | Zygon
... more about "Lloyd Garmadon"
  • Blinding Staff
  • Super Bolt
  • Golden Katana
  • Staff
  • Hood
  • Armour
  • Cape
  • Wrap
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Mech Dragon blueprints
JourneySuitLloyd.png +
Lloyd garmadon.jpg +  and LloydTV.png +
LloydDX.jpg +  and LloydTournament.png +
70751-Lloyd.jpg +  and CultistLloyd.png +
LloydAirjitzuGi.png +  and ZukinLloydTV.png +
70596-lloyd.png +  and LloydTeaShop.png +
70590-lloyd.png +  and LloydDeepstoneTV.png +
70623-lloyd.png +  and LloydCasual.png +
TLNM-lloyd.jpg +  and SenseiLloyd.png +
Lego Ninjago - Copy.png +  and SnakeLloyd.png +
LloydGarmadonBook.png +  and LloydYoungGNTV.png +
S99067 1.jpg +  and LloydZX1.png +
Lloyd2014.png +  and LloydElemental.png +
10725-lloyd.jpg +  and LloydGold.png +
Lloyd-70728.png +  and TechnoLloydTV.png +
ZukinLloyd.jpg +  and LloydTechnoArmorTV.png +
TournamentLloyd.jpg +  and LloydSpace.png +
Minifigure +
Today was almost the best day of my life. Today was almost the best day of my life. I was eating breakfast when a package came from my grand-mommy and it was filled with bright, sticky candy! At my boarding school for bad boys it’s REALLY, REALLY hard to get any candy or fun toys because they’re always busy teaching us how to pull tricks and take over the world and stuff. I was about to smush my face full of candy when that bully Finn saw me and his face had a big smirk on it. He got up from his seat at the next table over and grabbed the candy away, using his powers to turn it into crawly bugs and worms. Disgusting! I yelled, “HEYYY, MY CANDY!” He laughed, looking around at his friends, and then he pointed to his t-shirt that read “Evil Geniuses Don’t Cry.” Everyone was laughing. I had to get out of there before he decided to stick me in the trash bin again. </br></br>I hid in an empty classroom and thought of a plan. What was the word for that called? I have to try and remember all the words from my Villain Vocabulary List. Plotted, that’s right. So I sat there and I plotted. I was going to leave Darkley’s Boarding School for Bad Boys and never come back, AND I was going to get more candy. Everyone knows the first rule of any mission is to dress really scary, so I picked the lock on the teacher’s closet and found an extra cape and a black helmet to wear. There were also some stuff the teachers took away from us, like a rubber band, rubber snakes, and a soccer ball. Rubber snakes! That was it! They looked just like Serpentine. HISS!</br></br>The best candy store is in Jamanakai Village, so of course I snagged a wheelbarrow and loaded it up. I got lollipops, gooey taffy, sugar straws, EVERYTHING! I threw the snakes at the villagers watching me. People hid and were scared. This is great, I thought, I’m going to have all the candy in Jamanakai and get a SUGARRRR HIGH! What would Finn think now, huh? Then those stupid Ninja had to show up, saying the snakes were fakes. They yelled at me for stealing. Before I knew it, people were throwing rotten vegetables at me, and those Ninja tied me up to a sign. This was just like Finn all over again. I felt a single tear fall on my cheek, but then I thought that Finn might be right about one thing – evil geniuses don’t cry! I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon and future ruler of the world! </br></br>I wandered through the Glacier Barrens to hide/plot. I was going to let those Ninjas see who they were dealing with. My luck turned around when I found this hatch that said Hypnobrai Serpentine on it with pictures of a snake using mind control. I was shocked…this looked like the real thing. I thought it was only a myth! I opened the door, and BOOM, fell down the hole. It looked like a snowy trap, and I could see millions of myself reflected in the ice. Just as I was thinking that I looked pretty scary, I saw a stranger – except he was just a frozen warrior dude, all bones. I started to shake. I wondered what happened down here... I’d rather be tied up by the Ninjas than end up frozen like him. All of a sudden I heard a rattling, and a bunch of TALKING SNAKES came out of nowhere! The leader tried to do a swirly thing with his eyes to control my mind, but I used my genius skills to move out of the way and deflect his stare, which bounced back at him. He was under mind control! I could make him and his army do anything I wanted! MUHAHAHA!d his army do anything I wanted! MUHAHAHA!   and Sugar-high, sinister, spirited. As theSugar-high, sinister, spirited.</br></br>As the only son of Lord Garmadon and future dark ruler, Lloyd has some big shoes to fill. It's not easy being bad, and he works tirelessly to become the super villain he is destined to be.</br></br>Lloyd ran away from the Boarding School for Bad Boys (Or maybe he was, in fact, kicked out because lacked the morale and ambition to become the next great villain master mind of tomorrow?), and he searches high and especially low for henchmen who will help him live up to his reputation and his dad's expectations. But sometimes even the toughest bad guy's only option is to retreeeeaaaat!</br></br>=== The LEGO Ninjago Movie ===</br>;Lloyd Garmadon</br>It wasn't hard enough secretly being the Green Ninja, Lloyd must deal with life in NINJAGO as the infamous son of Garmadon, the worst warlord ever.</br>;Green Ninja</br>The Green Ninja. The chosen one, honor bound and sworn to protect NINJAGO - even when it's from his own father Garmadon.en when it's from his own father Garmadon. +
Master Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon +
Lloyd Garmadon +  and Child +
DX +  and Tournament Robes +
Deepstone +  and Cultist Disguise +
Airjitzu Gi +  and Jungle +
Honour Robes +  and Tea Shop +
Airjitzu +  and Deepstone +
Fusion +  and Casual +
The LEGO Ninjago Movie +  and Sensei +
ZX +  and Snake Disguise +
Elemental Robes +  and Green Ninja (Child) +
Ultimate Spinjitzu Master +  and Green Ninja +
Techno Robes +  and Elemental Robes +
Techno Robes, zukin +  and Golden Ninja +
Techno Armour +  and Techno +
Jungle +  and Techno Armour +
Tournament robes +  and Space suit +
  • Lloyd Garmadon
  • ZX ninja robes
  • Eleme</br>* Lloyd Garmadon</br>* ZX ninja robes</br>* Elemental kimono</br>* Ultimate Spinjitzu Master</br>* Techno robes</br>* Stone Warrior armour</br>* Jungle robes</br>* Tournament Robes</br>* DX</br>* Deepstone armour</br>* Airjitzu robes</br>* Robes from Day of the Departed</br>* Fusion suit</br>*The LEGO Ninjago Movie</br>:* Ninja robes</br>:* Spinjitzu Training robes</br>:* High school</br>:* Hoodie</br>* Legacy</br>* See also: Evil Green Ninja</br>Evil Green Ninja
2012 - present +